Updated worldwide glass market study 2025 available now for flat, container glass and tableware

We have updated our international studies on flat glass, container glass and tableware for 2025.

This unique software provides a global overview about glass producers and technical details. Easy to use and clear tables summarize information and data about glass makers such as: Glass types: flat glass, container glass, tableware, production capacities in regions and countries, number of furnaces, furnace types, year of construction, glass types and sub-types, products, project information, special news and downloads.

Further databases supplying demoscopic data and import and export data complete the market survey. Based on these data, prepare individual country profiles with information about local production capacities, local market sizes and expected demand in the future.

Request your offer via plants.glassglobal.com.

Updated container glass study 2025


Updated float glass study 2025


Further glass studies and reports 2025


Ardagh Glass GmbH


Europas Glasindustrie wird keine Hybrid-Elektrowanne bauen

Das Projekt Furnace for the Future, kurz F4F, wurde gecancelt und das dahinter stehende europäische Glaskonsortium


  • Шихта, Печь, Варка, Нанесение Покрытия


Ardagh Glass Packaging receives Energy Star plant certifications

Two of the company’s facilities, located in Bridgeton, New Jersey, and Madera, California, have been awarded for their energy


  • Новости Стекольной Промышленности


Pip & Nut go green with move to glass

The nut butter specialist worked with Ardagh Glass Packaging (AGP) to launch its new glass jars with over 50% recycled


  • Новости Стекольной Промышленности


Ardagh Group S.A. Announces a Share-For-Share Exchange Offer

Ardagh Group S.A. today announced its intention to launch an exchange offer early next week to acquire all of its outstanding Class A Common Shares (the “AGSA Shares”) in exchange for a portion of the shares of Ardagh Metal Packaging S.A. (NYSE:


  • Новости Стекольной Промышленности


Ardagh Group announces a major 10-year investment in STEM education in the U.S. impacting 500,000+ students

Ardagh Group today announced a major multi-year grant to Project Lead The Way (PLTW) to deliver science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education to students from pre-kindergarten through high school (PreK-12) in the 24 communities


  • Новости Стекольной Промышленности


Ardagh and Bragg launch beverage bottle

Ardagh Group, Glass – North America, a business unit of Ardagh Group and Bragg Live Food Products partnered to introduce a new 16oz glass bottle for its line of apple cider vinegar


  • Новости Стекольной Промышленности


Launch of $2.65 billion Green Bond Offering

Ardagh Group (“Ardagh”) (NYSE:ARD) announces that Ardagh Metal Packaging S.A. (“AMP” or the “Company”) has today, through its wholly-owned subsidiaries, Ardagh Metal Packaging Finance plc and Ardagh Metal Packaging Finance USA


  • Новости Стекольной Промышленности


Ardagh´s new beverage can and end plant in Ohio

Ardagh Group is pleased to announce it has recently completed the purchase of a facility in Huron, Ohio, that it will convert into a manufacturing plant producing infinitely recyclable beverage cans and


  • Новости Стекольной Промышленности


Ardagh commits to reducing its carbon emissions

The Ardagh Group has committed to setting company targets through the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi), a project that aims to encourage corporate climate action for a low-carbon


  • Полое Стекло, Столовая Посуда, Техническое Стекло


Ardagh Wahlstedt installs heat recycling system

Ardagh’s glass production facility in Wahlstedt, Germany has installed a batch preheater, or heat recovery system, which has reduced energy consumption by


  • Новости Стекольной Промышленности


Ardagh´s global cullet strategy

As part of our drive for sustainability, we work hard to continuously increase the amount of cullet in our glass production


  • Новости Стекольной Промышленности


Ardagh Group and Stanpac partner to meet increased demand for glass milk bottles

North America, a business unit of Ardagh Group and long-term partner Stanpac are providing glass milk bottles to meet increased demand during the coronavirus


  • Новости Стекольной Промышленности


Ardagh Group delivers one-litre, returnable version of iconic afri cola glass bottle

Ardagh Group has worked closely with German cola brand afri cola to produce a new, returnable one-litre glass bottle, to meet the popular cola brand’s consumer demand for more glass


  • Продукты


Absolut Elyx bottle honours copper still

Ardagh Group has produced the latest evolution of Absolut’s Elyx vodka bottle, which celebrates the role that copper plays in the distillation process of the luxury


  • Продукты


Ardagh Group awarded ENERGY STAR® plant certifications

North America, a division of Ardagh Group, was awarded three ENERGY STAR® plant certifications for superior energy performance from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – the only U.S. glass container manufacturer to earn this


  • Новости Стекольной Промышленности