Glass Industry News

Vetropack Group mourns loss of Croatian General Manager Tihomir Premužak

, Vetropack Group

With great distress and sadness, management and employees of the Vetropack Group have reacted to the death of Tihomir Premužak. The well-liked and highly engaged manager of Vetropack’s Croatian site passed away suddenly and unexpectedly at the beginning of August. Premužak worked for Vetropack in various positions for more than 23 years. As its General Manager and Chairman of the Board of Directors, he had a lasting impact on the development of Vetropack Straža d.d. He was also one of the driving forces behind Vetropack's Strategy 2030.

Tihomir Premužak was one of the most influential personalities within the Vetropack Group – both as a manager and as a person. This is reflected by the deep sympathy that his death has evoked among the workforce, but also outside the company. "With his death, a wonderful family has lost a caring husband, son, father and grandfather,” said Johann Reiter, CEO of the Vetropack Group, in his funeral address. "And all of us at Vetropack have lost a dear colleague and friend. Tihomir, we will always honor your memory!”

Premužak started his career at Hum Glass Works in 1999 as Director of Technology and Investments. In 2011, the Vetropack Group appointed him to a senior position in the company. As a result, he was responsible for the largest and most complex investment in the history of the Croatian plant, including the overhaul of Glass Furnace 61, the installation of a new production line, and a major infrastructural redesign of the plant. He was also a member of Vetropack's General Management and the 2030 Strategy Team and, as such, significantly contributed to the future of the entire Vetropack Group.

Beyond his high level of expertise and leadership, he was involved in the community and in his industry in many ways. Vetropack Straža therefore regularly participated in humanitarian activities and secured numerous donations and sponsorships. “His sensitivity and empathy for the environment in which he lived and worked enabled him to identify the needs of the local and extended community,” Johann Reiter emphasized. “He actively participated in the work of relevant business associations because he considered it his professional duty to contribute to the development of the entire Croatian economy.” Premužak was also President of the Association of Croatian Managers, Chairman of the Board of the Varaždin branch of the Croatian Employers' Association, Vice President of the Assembly of the Croatian Business Council for Sustainable Development, Member of the Board of Croatian Exporters, member of the Business Council at the Croatian Chamber of Economy of the County Krapina-Zagorje, Member of the Board of the World Business Angels Investment Forum Croatia and a member of the Assembly for Zagorje.

Tihomir Premužak was extremely popular among the workforce. He was approachable and understanding and never lost contact with his employees – even in the past two years, which were marked by the Covid pandemic. "We will now continue your work to the best of our ability and remember you forever as an outstanding leader and colleague, but most of all as an exceptional human being,” Johann Reiter said.

On 16th August 2022, Vetropack Group announced that Darko Slogar, Sales Manager in Croatia, will temporarily take over site management responsibilities.

, © Vetropack Group

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