Glass Industry News

Towards IYOG2022

, International Year of Glass 2022 (IYOG)

The Spanish Ambassador to the UN explained recently to ICG president, Prof Alicia Durán the new procedures at the United Nations and how to achieve their support for an IYOG2022.

Face-to-face meetings and vot- ing are cancelled for 2020. In- stead the General Assembly will adopt a silent process based on unanimity. Opposition to an IYOG is unlikely.

So the ambassador will make a virtual presentation to United Nations representatives in early November from Madrid using YouTube. It will be broadcast in New York and Geneva simulta- neously and will be down- loadable worldwide.

He will introduce partner organ- izations and personalities in the IYOG project, explain the activi- ties planned and concepts being developed, and how they link to the UN Agenda 2030.

The formal sponsors, the ambas- sadors of China and Spain will speak, but others from for exam- ple the USA and Australia may be invited to contribute. The President of the General Assembly will add his support (the Turkish ambassador is expected to be in post by then).

25-28 minutes of the 30 minutes allocated for the presentation will be for an IYOG video.

Ambassador Santos will send a list of the 191 countries repre- sented at the UN and each will be contacted and invited to the IYOG project presentation. They will also be asked for national contacts where we have no in- formation on local glass making.

For maximum impact, in mid- October our supporting institu- tions will be given the date and time and invited to join the presentation. A gentle reminder will follow 2 days beforehand.

After the presentation, the Reso- lution for approving the IYOG will be presented at the UN General Assembly planned for December 2020.

Fund raising
An IYOG has associated costs particularly for a formal opening ceremony and administration. Prof A Varshneya has been ap- pointed to chair a fund-raising committee and the American Ceramic Society will provide banking facilities.

Activities already planned
Our goals are to use recorded history to demonstrate the role of glass in civilization and to organize festivals that excite and inform the public of this rich his- tory, highlighting links between glass, art and culture.

Specifically we will arrange an Inaugural event in Geneva, Switzerland; an International Glass Congress in Berlin, Germa- ny; a Glass Technology event in China; an Archaeology conference in Egypt; and a World Congress and Exhibition on glass art and history.

We aim to stimulate glass re- search in industry, education, and the public domain, address- ing the great challenges the world faces: sustainable, equita- ble growth and an improved quality of life for all.

We hope to build worldwide alliances focusing on science and engineering for young people, addressing gender balance and tackling the needs of emerging economies.

, © International Year of Glass 2022 (IYOG)

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