Glass Industry News

Top priority: Customer satisfaction

, LiSEC GmbH

C.Bergmann - the specialists for construction - is one of the largest building materials companies in Austria, distinguished above all by its wide range of products in the areas of glass, concrete, tiles, doors as well as building materials/building construction and civil engineering.

Based on the pillars of reliability, quality and competence, C.Bergmann focuses on customer satisfaction and is therefore a decisive step ahead. How does that work? With first-class established suppliers and efficient machinery that works reliably. What C.Bergmann appreciates most about the 32 years of cooperation with LiSEC is the consistently high quality of the long-lasting LiSEC machines and the tangible proximity to the customer.

Broad product range and regular additions

A total of 300 employees work at C.Bergmann, 80 of them - including 20 leasing employees - in the glass sector. The company currently generates an annual turnover of almost 100 million Euros, of which approx. 20% is in the glass sector.

From simple insulating glass to heat, sound and sun protection, the company offers a wide range of different insulating glasses. Another focus of the product range is safety glass, such as laminated safety glass and toughened glass. In the field of glass processing C.Bergmann offers its customers solutions for interior applications such as kitchen back walls, glass partitions, glass doors, balcony partitions etc. The company also operates a wholesale business, where glass lites sheets are traditionally traded for glazing companies or industrial customers.  

Moving into the future with the right suppliers

In recent years there have been many new developments and investments at C.Bergmann in order to be able to efficiently design the expansion of the product range to include toughened glass. In 2012 C.Bergmann invested in a LiSEC KSR - a glass edge grinding machine with which all four sides can be edged fully automatically. The LiSEC KSR guarantees a perfect edge with flexible grinding belts. Due to the enormously long service life of the grinding belts, the running tool costs are only low. Further advantages are the automatic mode for rectangles and the fast cycle times. In 2015, the company was expanded with a new production hall, for which investments were made in a LiSEC KBF with washing machine. The LiSEC KBF is a vertical processing centre that combines high-quality edge processing with an integrated, single-sided drilling and milling unit. All processing operations are possible with a single machine. The KBF is characterised by the best edge processing quality of all vertical machines. The processing is carried out with the highest precision and absolutely contact-free on the glass surface to protect coated sheets. Last year another hall was built, in which a LiSEC gantry loading system and a LiSEC KSR with washing machine were installed. With this investment C.Bergmann was able to almost double the cutting capacity. The company is currently focusing on glass lites sheets with alarm contacts. The product range of various coated glass lites sheets was also expanded.  

Customer satisfaction - the be-all and end-all

The customer is the focus of C.Bergmann. “The topic of customer satisfaction is the be-all and end-all for us and takes top priority. It is our claim that we can satisfy our customers and get them excited about our company. This includes the quality of the products and services, but also the issue of delivery dates,” says Ing. Mag. Werner Krügl, Head of Glass Division at C.Bergmann. He stresses that it is not important to always have short-term deadlines on hand, but that the agreed deadlines are met 100% and the delivery is complete. In order to keep these promises to the customer, a reliable fleet of machines that works efficiently and with which high-quality products can be manufactured optimally, also from an economic point of view, is indispensable - the basis of the long-standing cooperation with LiSEC.  

LiSEC machines - decades of reliability

The cooperation between C.Bergmann and LiSEC started as early as 1988. The first investment was an insulating glass line, which is still in constant use today and delivers a constant output. Due to the high level of satisfaction, the company purchased a second insulating glass line, which has now also been used in the company's production for about 12 years. Werner Krügl is delighted: “The isolines have been around for a few years, but they are still running very well! They are reliable and perfectly suited for the high quality standards we set for our products". Regular maintenance has prevented major downtimes during the machine’s many years of use. “We pay very close attention to the subject of maintenance. Once a year we carry out major maintenance or when it becomes apparent that something needs to be done to a machine. Some of this minor maintenance is then carried out over the weekend,” says Werner Krügl. C.Bergmann has its own maintenance team that works closely with the LiSEC technicians: “If there is a problem, we have an enormous advantage simply because of the local proximity. The LiSEC spare parts warehouse is very well equipped and the accessibility of the service is optimal”. LiSEC service technician Rene Ennsmann also appreciates the cooperation: “I have been working with C. Bergmann for years. The coordination always runs smoothly and the communication is very appreciative”.

As already mentioned, C.Bergmann again invested in a LiSEC KSR as part of the 2019 cut-to-size expansion. “We are really satisfied with the LiSEC KSR. We bought the first one back in 2012 and we would not have bought the second one if we had not been absolutely convinced by the first one,” stresses Werner Krügl. What he particularly appreciates about LiSEC is the breadth of their product range: “LiSEC offers an insanely extensive package, from glass cutting and toughened glass to the laminating line and isolating line. Moreover, the quality of the products is excellent. Even if we use the machines longer than the normal service life, we have always been satisfied.”  

Looking ahead to the future

Even C. Bergmann was not spared the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. In April in particular, some major customers bought almost nothing, as some of them had to close their sales premises or shut down production as a precautionary measure. Reliability is the top priority during the current state of emergency - on both the customer and supplier side. C.Bergmann could always count on the LiSEC service department.

The goal of C.Bergmann is to continue to improve in terms of customer satisfaction. Productivity is also to be increased, with a focus on automation. “We analyse exactly where we can improve our processes in order to produce better quality in a more ration way. The topic of increasing efficiency through automation will definitely occupy us in the future,” says Werner Krügl.

, © LiSEC GmbH

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Updated worldwide glass market study 2025 available now for flat, container glass and tableware

We have updated our international studies on flat glass, container glass and tableware for 2025.

This unique software provides a global overview about glass producers and technical details. Easy to use and clear tables summarize information and data about glass makers such as: Glass types: flat glass, container glass, tableware, production capacities in regions and countries, number of furnaces, furnace types, year of construction, glass types and sub-types, products, project information, special news and downloads.

Further databases supplying demoscopic data and import and export data complete the market survey. Based on these data, prepare individual country profiles with information about local production capacities, local market sizes and expected demand in the future.

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