Glass Industry News


, LLC Siberian Glass

LLC Siberian Glass (Sibsteklo, part of RATM Holding, Novosibirsk) has implemented a large-scale investment project: a new glass-making furnace, one of the largest in the industry, has reached the planned capacity of 375 tons of molten glass per day; up to 400 tons.

As a reminder, specialists have been performing commissioning works since the end of March. Within three months, 92 million glass items were manufactured at the furnace; the coefficient of output of suitable products is 0.9, which is higher than the industry average.

About 2 thousand tons of refractories were purchased for the construction of the furnace; materials and equipment were purchased in China, Russia and Europe. The design was carried out by the Italian company Glass Service; technical consulting at all stages was carried out by experts from Great Britain, Germany, Czech Republic and Turkey.

The area of the cooking basin of the furnace is 130 sq. Its design features (first of all, the presence of a deep clarification zone) make it possible, by achieving the proper quality of the melt of raw materials, to optimally regulate the glass-making process, and the additional electric heating system - to increase the removal of glass melt and reduce gas consumption.

- The furnace has a high efficiency, including due to effective thermal insulation of the bottom and walls, and the specific consumption of energy resources is significantly reduced (by 25%), that is, it is environmentally friendly - we minimize the technogenic load on the environment, - comments the General Director of LLC Siberian Glass Anton Mor.

Five glass-forming machines were installed on the furnace: three 10-section and two 8-section, which operate according to the tandem principle - they were connected to one feeder supplying glass melt (there are no more than ten similar lines at Russian glass container factories today) and thus will be able to simultaneously produce glass products of any type - more than 450 million units of glass containers per year. The total productivity of glass complexes will rise by 30% - up to 850 mln.

The amount of investments was at the level of 1.5 billion rubles. The main financial partner is the Eurasian Development Bank, with which the company plans to cooperate in the future. The federal fund for the development of industry took part in financing.

The oven should last 12 years; according to Anton Mohr, the investment will pay off within three years:

- The volumes from the new furnace have been contracted. The demand for high-quality glass containers is growing. Partners regularly audit the enterprise, according to their conclusions, the characteristics of our products comply with international standards. In addition, we will begin to produce a green bottle, which no one produces beyond the Urals.

According to the President of RATM Holding Eduard Taran, by providing customers with the supply of glass containers produced in the Novosibirsk region, Sibsteklo will stimulate an increase in the bottling of drinks in the region and, as a result, the size of tax payments to the regional budget.

“In turn, with the support at the federal and regional levels, creating a favorable business climate here, industrial enterprises feel more confident, strengthen their positions in industry markets, form a powerful technological base, enhancing their potential,” states Eduard Taran. - The economic situation has developed in favor of expanding production. I am sure that Sibsteklo will receive a significant return in the foreseeable future.

, © LLC Siberian Glass

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