Glass Industry News

Strategic Materials Inc. triples crushed glass abrasives production with new facility in Houston to capture market demand

, Strategic Materials

Strategic Materials, Inc., North America’s largest glass recycler, today announced the expansion of its manufacturing footprint by opening a new, state-of-the-art crushed glass abrasives production facility in Houston, Texas.  The new facility was built in response to the regional surface preparation market demand, and noticeable industry shift to worker health-conscious and eco-friendly abrasive products.

The over 30,000 square foot facility began production in early December of last year with improved bagging technology and production line capabilities, supporting plans to more than triple the abrasive product output in the new year, with plans for further expansion in 2021. 

“It’s an exciting time for our business. With our new facility we’ve increased capacity and are able to better meet demand with a higher quality product,” said Denis Suggs, Strategic Materials President and Chief Executive Officer.  “This investment also allows us to improve product availability and therefore, turnaround times, and further solidifies our position as the market leader for crushed glass abrasives.”

Strategic Materials’ crushed glass abrasives are sold under the brand name TRUABRASIVES® and are produced from recycled glass.  After a thorough cleaning process, the glass is screened into to a variety of sizes, primarily being used to remove old coatings or prepping new surfaces in precast concrete, tanks, bridges, refineries, and shipyards.   

The new Houston location will fully replace the company’s current Houston facility mid-year and will retain its existing employees.  The facility will produce other recycled glass products for sale into highway bead, fiberglass insulation and glass container markets. The company will host a grand opening late January, where customers and local stakeholders will see first-hand the local circular economy and benefits of glass.

About Strategic Materials

With over a 100-year history, Strategic Materials is North America’s largest and most comprehensive glass recycler, with nearly 50 locations in the United States, Canada, and Mexico.  The company focus has been and continues to be on creating value for customers through innovation and continuous improvement.  The company is a technology partner to cleaner, more efficient glass production, providing customers and suppliers with economical and environmentally viable solutions for reuse of waste streams including glass and plastic.

, © Strategic Materials

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