Glass Industry News

Stevanato Group signs an agreement with Pfeiffer Vacuum to provide state-of-the-art container closure system analysis at its US Technology Excellence

, Stevanato Group

Piombino Dese, Padua Italy and Indianapolis, Indiana, USA February 5, 2020: Italian-based Stevanato Group, a leading producer of glass primary packaging and provider of integrated capabilities for combination products and the US-based Pfeiffer Vacuum specialized in leak testing & CCIT technologies announces today an agreement thanks to which the US Technology Excellence Center, opening in Boston in the second half of 2020, will be providing characterization testing of the container-closure system for the Biopharma industry.

Leveraging the experience of SG Lab, TEC will provide analytical and testing services related to the container closure system, drug delivery devices and a set of customized services for Biopharma Companies’ drug formulation and manufacturing process. An introduction on US SG TEC services will be provided at Stevanato Group’s booth A60, in hall 7.2 at Pharmapack Europe, 5-6 February.

Thanks to a highly skilled team in the area of primary container testing and a wide network of partners, TEC will guide biopharma customers in the choice of the best-suited container for their drug as well as guide them in the testing for integration in drug delivery devices as well as device selection.

With offices in Indiana, USA, Pfeiffer Vacuum boasts a unique portfolio of equipment dedicated to the pharmaceutical industry and medical markets. It will be present at Pharmapack Europe, hall 1, booth k22, showcasing three different technologies that will be installed at the US-based TEC: the helium mass spectrometry, for MALL testing, the patented and proven Mass Extraction technology able to detect defects as small as 1 μm on glass vials and an Optical Emission Spectroscopy Instrument, to measure leak tightness using a patented process that does not require a tracer gas.     

“The TEC-Pfeiffer Vacuum agreement combines our extensive expertise in glass primary packaging testing, acquired through SG Lab, with top-notch CCI testing solutions for the biopharma market. Over the years, biopharma companies have been facing ever stricter standard requirements in terms of reliability of the CCI testing. Adopting Pfeiffer Vacuum technologies will allow us to address the requests for quality, integrity and effectiveness of sensitive drugs, preventing issues such as moisture or oxygen or microbial contamination.” says Abizer Harianawala, Site Leader at Stevanato Group TEC.

“Partnering Pfeiffer Vacuum’s industry leadership in CCIT, acquired through ATC, with Stevanato Group’s superlative experience of the biopharma industry and glass packaging testing is a win-win for both companies as well as packaging suppliers and creates an axis of excellence in parenteral drug packaging.” Brian Pahl, President, Pfeiffer Vacuum.


About Stevanato Group:
Established in 1949, Stevanato Group is the world’s largest, privately-owned designer and producer of glass primary packaging for the pharmaceutical industry. From its outset, the Group has developed its own glass converting technology to ensure the highest standards of quality. The Group comprises a wide set of capabilities dedicated to serving the biopharmaceutical and diagnostic industries: from glass containers with its historical brand Ompi, to high-precision plastic diagnostic and medical components, to contract manufacturing for drug delivery devices, to vision inspection systems, assembly, and packaging equipment. The Group also provides analytical and testing services to study container closure integrity and integration into drug delivery devices, streamlining the drug development process. Thanks to its unique approach as a one-stop-shop, Stevanato Group is able to offer an unprecedented set of solutions to biopharma companies for a faster time to market and a reduced total cost of ownership.

For more information, please visit


About Pfeiffer Vacuum: 
Pfeiffer Vacuum, one of the world’s leading providers of high-tech vacuum solutions for the semiconductor, industrial, coating, analytical and R&D markets. For more than 125 years, the Pfeiffer name has served as a guarantee for high-end vacuum technology, a high-quality comprehensive solution, and first-class service. Thanks to close collaboration with customers and a continuous focus on their needs, Pfeiffer is constantly optimizing and expanding our portfolio. Therefore, even in the future, Pfeiffer will always be able to provide our customers with the best possible solution for their particular use. Our service program extends from vacuum pumps through measurement and analysis equipment right up to complete vacuum systems.

For more information, please visit

, © Stevanato Group

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