Glass Industry News

Press Glass Inc. invests in world’s first Glaston ProL convection upgrade

, Glaston

Since establishing their presence in the US through an acquisition, Poland-based Press Glass has continued its brisk growth based on the same values that make it the #1 glass fabricator in Europe and the UK. The company’s latest US investment is a Glaston ProL convection control upgrade at its Ridgeway, Virginia, plant.

Bringing European expertise to high-quality US glass production  

Glaston and Press Glass share a longstanding partnership. Most of the tempering lines in Press Glass’s European facilities are from Glaston. The company’s US branch has Glaston FC Series and Jumbo Series tempering lines at the Ridgeway factory for larger projects and an additional smaller line in Stoneville for smaller IG units and heavier interior glass. Currently, a fourth line – another tempering furnace – is being assembled and will be delivered soon.

“Glaston is considered the ‘Cadillac’ of the market. The price point may be higher, but a Glaston machinery lasts longer and produces higher quality,” says Gregg Vanier, Director of Manufacturing and Technology at Press Glass.

In another move forward, Press Glass was the first in the world to invest in Glaston’s convection upgrade for its lamination line in Ridgeway, completed in April 2023.

“It was clear we needed to upgrade when the market started asking for more complex end products. We needed better control to help process the multilayer laminates that are more common in the US market than the monolayers in Europe,” Gregg explains.

The ProL convection upgrade helps eliminate trapped air inside the layers that causes a lack of adhesion.

“Since commissioning, we have been able to gain traction in the market. We just had our most efficient production period in terms of square footage produced per day. The upgrade also led to higher quality, enabling us to reach 98% on-time delivery.”

He also emphasizes that remakes have gone down since the upgrade, and this helps manage production

Additionally, the new upgrade features have significantly simplified the lamination process itself, further contributing to the overall efficiency.

, © Glaston

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