Glass Industry News

Offering global glass competence


Offering global glass competence

glassglobal started over 20 years ago to provide any glass industry related company with a professional presentation. They quickly developed into the market leader in its segment. With steady growth in net recognition and expert google keyword positioning, glassglobal achieved a new record with 8.2 million page impressions in August 2021 and established its position as market leader in this segment.

The range and services of glassglobal network have been consistently developed. Today, it offers the opportunity to have a professional appearance for companies, search and offer jobs, search and offer machines or glass, read and publish news. Project information about greenfield or factory repair further serve to channel and optimize sales in a very targeted manner. The network also offers banner advertising to significantly improve the visibility and brand awareness of a company, a product, or a logo worldwide. Synergies are drawn out of strong presences on Twitter and LinkedIn that serve to multiply customer messages and reach, considerably.

All aspects in the production cycle of glass are covered, from raw materials to glass makers, from suppliers of equipment to glass processing companies or recycling. Realization is straight, easy and effective.

The pillars of success of glassglobal - 5 strong expert divisions

  • Community with sales, marketing and communication, advertisement banner, newsletter, jobhunting and social media
  • Consulting with know-how in strategic development, analysis and benchmark of production, markets and competitors
  • Trading with knowledge about international sales strategies for equipment or products
  • Engineering with expert research systems for new technologies
  • IT-Services with pinpointed analysis of markets, providing industry-related design, and expert google keyword programming and online systems.

Studies to underline strategic moves

A key feature today are customized studies and glass industry research that form a strong basis for independent advice also to investors into the glass industry.

  • glassglobal makes a strong point in providing customer-specific market studies for its clients:
  • main areas: float, and rolled glass, container or pharmaceutical glass, solar glass, glass fiber and wool, tableware as well as technical glass industry
  • customer specific feasibility studies for complete projects
  • benchmark, SWOT analysis, bankable business plans
  • analysis and price evaluations for raw materials, flat glass, container glass, solar glass etc.
  • market figures about imports and exports and, in combination with further statistical data translated into future development of markets and/or countries
  • strategy plans and marketing concepts for company launches
  • analysis of existing investment plans or factory projects, locations or competitors to backup takeovers and investments
  • training and development of sales strategies

The core team consists of graduated experts in glass engineering, glass technology experts, market analysts and software IT engineers.
glassglobal connects multiple new global international customers, covering all segments in glass industry, that get in direct contact with the team via the network every day.

glassglobal is very strong in solar glass segment
In 2020/21, glassglobal have conducted an independent feasibility study for CPS Canadian Premium Sand, focused on identification of possible products on the basis of CPS sand that turned out to become the sound basis for solar glass manufacture instead of “just” selling sand. The project now resulted in a solar glass facility design that will yield not only significant cost competitiveness but also a low-carbon advantage relative to international rivals.

Current projects cover the market evaluation for own solar glass manufacture e.g. by one of the largest PV-module producers in Europe resp. to investigate the obstacles that a glass factory faces when diversifying their portfolio into other segments.

Online glass industry research via

Ingenious expansion: global overview of the glass market is an absolutely unique feature and now being most selected service. This network is a very comfortable online research and marketing tool to visualize glass makers worldwide with glass furnace details. Sophisticated filter functions lead to selected products or companies with just a few clicks to evaluate, compare or connect.

Moreover, investments such as greenfield glass factories, expansions or furnace cold repairs are regularly added to the projects segment, completed by essential data such as time schedule, budget, contact person, etc.

Each icon represents a location with a glass melting furnace with company names, locations, data such as furnace type, capacity, colours, year of construction and more.

Summaries of production data per country or region, import and export data for glass in tabular and graphic form and demoscopic data with prospects are included in this online-study. This bunch of data and information allows customers to immediately view expected future glass consumption in countries or regions, for example with an import surplus. This gives hints on potential new locations for glass factories and is a must to know before strategic moves.

The successful glassglobal slogan: “We help you being successful”

The team is ready to take appointments for a FREE GUIDED TOUR via

Reprint from Glass Worldwide, March / April 2022 (PDF)

, © OGIS GmbH

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Info Grid

Glass studies

Updated worldwide glass study 2025

Updated hollow glass study 2025

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Updated float glass study 2025

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Further glass market studies

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Профиль компании

Updated worldwide glass market study 2025 available now for flat, container glass and tableware

We have updated our international studies on flat glass, container glass and tableware for 2025.

This unique software provides a global overview about glass producers and technical details. Easy to use and clear tables summarize information and data about glass makers such as: Glass types: flat glass, container glass, tableware, production capacities in regions and countries, number of furnaces, furnace types, year of construction, glass types and sub-types, products, project information, special news and downloads.

Further databases supplying demoscopic data and import and export data complete the market survey. Based on these data, prepare individual country profiles with information about local production capacities, local market sizes and expected demand in the future.

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Updated container glass study 2025


Updated float glass study 2025


Further glass studies and reports 2025