Glass Industry News

Nipro Launches D2F™ Glass Vials Powered by Stevanato Group´s EZ-fill® Technology

, Nipro PharmaPackaging

Nipro PharmaPackaging, a global leader in glass tubing, glass primary packaging, and medical devices, is proud to announce the launch of its innovative D2F™ (Direct-to-Fill) glass vials.

These vials, featuring Stevanato Group’s advanced EZ-fill® technology, offer a high-quality ready-to-use (RTU) solution designed to meet the rigorous standards and increasing requirements of the pharmaceutical industry.

Key Features of D2F™ Glass Vials

Direct-to-Fill Technology:
D2F™ glass vials are washed, depyrogenated, packaged in nest & tub formats, and sterilized providing a seamless RTU solution.
Pharmaceutical companies can integrate these vials directly into their aseptic fill-finish processes.

Optimized for Fill-Finish Lines:
Developed in collaboration with leading machine suppliers, D2F™ vials are compatible with a wide range of fill-finish lines, ensuring easy and quick integration, thus speeding up operations.

Increased Stability & Cost Efficiency:
D2F™ vials’ nest & tub design prevents glass-to-glass contact, reducing risks of breakage, cosmetic defects, and particle generation during transportation and handling.

This results in improved mechanical durability, lower downtime, and fewer rejections during final inspections, ultimately contributing to more stable and cost-efficient fill-finish operations.

Quote Nipro :
“We are excited to introduce D2F™ glass vials, offering a reliable and efficient RTU packaging solution that addresses the evolving needs of the pharmaceutical industry,” said Stephan Arnold, CEO Nipro PharmaPackaging.

“These vials exemplify our mission to delivering trust with premium primary pharma packaging solutions.”

Quote Stevanato :

"The collaboration with Nipro represents another important milestone for Stevanato Group's EZ-fill® pre-sterilized platform," said Mauro Stocchi, Chief Business Officer at Stevanato Group. "Nipro's adoption of the EZ-fill® platform further validates Stevanato Group's technological leadership and strengthens our market position in secondary packaging for aseptic manufacturing. The EZ-fill® platform is an increasingly reliable, scalable, and cost-effective solution and industry-validated technology, and we believe it will become a widely recognized standard in the industry."

, © Nipro PharmaPackaging

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