Glass Industry News

New leadership team appointed at FEVE Flaconnage Board of Directors

, Feve

FEVE announced the new chairmanship for the Flaconnage Board of Directors, elected at their meeting on Thursday 23rd November 2023.

Xavier Gagey, CEO of the Pochet Group – one of the world’s leading multi-material packaging manufacturers – has been elected as incoming Chairman of the FEVE Flaconnage Board of Directors. Commenting on his new appointment, Mr Gagey explains: “Glass is a material that has unique inherent sustainability benefits: it is endlessly recycled, it preserves product ingredients, fragrances, and scents in the best way possible. Glass is also unique in adding value and premium positioning to products through its versatility and design assets”. He continues: “The members of FEVE serve a global customer base which appreciates that glass has unrivalled properties, and that as European manufacturers we can guarantee unequalled service and professionalism. That’s why they continue to select glass, which will enable glass manufacturers to maintain our leadership role providing packaging in the decarbonised and circular economy of the future. For FEVE members, glass is our business, and we will continue to support and innovate glass manufacturing processes for the benefit of the world.”

Mr Gagey will take over the chairmanship of the Flaconnage Board from the incumbent
Mr Laurent Zuber, currently General Manager Business Unit West World at SGD Pharma, who has held this role for the last 5 years. Mr Gagey adds: “The future direction for our sector has been laid down under the excellent leadership of the out-going Chair Laurent Zuber. He did a great job in leading initiatives to promote and defend our sector through very difficult years, marked by the global pandemic and unforeseeable market dynamics”.

Mr Gagey will be supported in his role by Mrs Carole Grassi, Chief Commercial Marketing & Innovation Officer in SGD Pharma, who has been appointed as Vice-Chairwoman of the Flaconnage Board. Mrs Grassi commented: “I am keen to collaborate with Xavier, with my colleagues in the member companies and the FEVE team to continue to shape the future of our industry in Europe. The agenda is packed, but the path is clear: we need to address issues specific to the pharmaceutical sector, but also invest in reminding our customers that the glass industry is strongly committed to build relationships with them and with our stakeholders and to deliver the highest standards in terms of sustainability, both environmental, social, and economic.”

, © Feve

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