Glass Industry News


, StekloSouz

The first serial production of lightweight glass containers in Belarus by the NNPB method was launched at the branch of OJSC Grodno Glass Factory - Elizovo (Osipovichi District, Mogilev Region). The director of the branch Denis Yurchenko announced this.

“In August last year, we completed the modernization of the second workshop and one of the two glass furnaces operating at the enterprise. Then we announced that we were ready to master the production of lightweight glass containers using the updated equipment. For this, serious preparatory work, personnel training, and experimental launches were carried out. in July this year, the start of the serial production of lightweight glass containers by the molding method - NNPB (Narrow Neck Press and Blow), which means narrow-necked press blowing, "said the head of the enterprise.

At present, the Yelizovsky glass plant produces lightweight containers only for one of its main customers - the holding "Minsk Crystal Group". “We have already shipped the first batch to our customer. I believe that in the near future he will start bottling his products in our lightweight bottles and, perhaps, starting in August, Minsk Crystal Group products in a light version and new design will appear on store shelves,” he said Denis Yurchenko.

“As the only enterprise in Belarus that has mastered the production of lightweight products using the NNPB method, we will primarily produce them for domestic customers, but we are also considering export deliveries, because such containers are in demand both domestically and abroad,” said the plant director ...

According to him, the lightweight container is up to 20% lighter than the standard version of the bottle. However, it is advisable to produce it in large volumes, then you can get tangible benefits. "For Minsk Crystal Group, on average, we plan to produce up to 20 million of this type of bottles per year. With the maximum load of the modernized furnace, we can produce about 3-4 million bottles per month, but the actual production volumes will depend on the needs of customers. on this furnace we make not only bottles, but also cans. And since now is the harvesting season, our primary task is to provide domestic agricultural enterprises that process raw materials, "said Denis Yurchenko.

The plant in the village of Elizovo was founded in 1913. It belongs to the group of multifunctional glass companies, is one of the largest manufacturers of colorless glass containers in the country. In 2018, the property complex of the enterprise was purchased by the Grodno glass plant.

, © StekloSouz

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