Glass Industry News

LiSEC Campus “All in one solutions”: Virtual trade fair for flat glass processors

, LiSEC GmbH

In a year of uncertainties regarding industry events and trade fairs, LiSEC is once again setting benchmarks with its own innovative approach.

On its website and in social media, the company is justifiably announcing a major appearance in the virtual world: because since the start of the summer LiSEC has been constructing its own campus - on the internet. From 27 to 30 October, this is where LiSEC “all in one solutions” can not only be seen, but also experienced in a range of rooms and buildings.

A live streamed arena for the flat glass world

On the LiSEC Campus, visitors will literally make their way around the rooms of the future - where they can discover all about machines, software, service and innovative individual and system solutions in the field of flat glass processing and finishing. Created in combination with Gamification, the campus is an absolute exception in the industry - not just visually, but also in terms of knowledge transfer - and is informative and entertaining, just like a trade fair.

Visitors will discover a wealth of technology with the most effective machines for glass cutting, insulating glass production and flat glass processing. Alongside machine technology, the focus lies on automation solutions and services from LiSEC and its most important partner companies. The virtual campus offers consolidated expertise in showrooms with holograms and 3D models. The arena will be built over the coming days - specially designed for LiSEC by architects and made digitally accessible to all interested parties.

Here, visitors will experience live presentations, product demonstrations and interviews, live insights into production, as well as regular expert talks with extensive background information and a look behind the scenes of the research and development department. And just like at a “real” trade fair, direct contact with the sales staff is one of the interactive possibilities available on the campus.

Online registration has begun

The partner companies Schraml Glastechnik, Glastronic, Glastech and Cericom will also be presenting themselves on the LiSEC Campus.

 Incidentally, visitor registration for the virtual LiSEC trade fair has already begun; registration is possible at

, © LiSEC GmbH

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Updated worldwide glass market study 2025 available now for flat, container glass and tableware

We have updated our international studies on flat glass, container glass and tableware for 2025.

This unique software provides a global overview about glass producers and technical details. Easy to use and clear tables summarize information and data about glass makers such as: Glass types: flat glass, container glass, tableware, production capacities in regions and countries, number of furnaces, furnace types, year of construction, glass types and sub-types, products, project information, special news and downloads.

Further databases supplying demoscopic data and import and export data complete the market survey. Based on these data, prepare individual country profiles with information about local production capacities, local market sizes and expected demand in the future.

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