Glass Industry News

Katja Tavernaro becomes member of the Executive Board and Chief Sustainability Officer of Meyer Burger

, Meyer Burger AG


  • The Board of Directors of Meyer Burger Technology Ltd appoints Katja Tavernaro to the Executive Board with immediate effect.
  • She takes over the newly created function of Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) and is responsible for Human Resources, Legal & Compliance and ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) within the Group. 
  • Meyer Burger is thus setting new standards in the industry in terms of sustainability.

In her previous functions, Katja Tavernaro (born 1977) was already responsible for all legal issues and for ensuring corporate governance and compliance within the Meyer Burger Group.

As Head of Global Human Resources, she has been responsible for the implementation of the company's strategic objectives in terms of human resources since April 2020. She knows the company inside out. In 2013, she joined Meyer Burger (Germany) Group as in-house counsel, and in 2016 she was appointed Managing Director of Meyer Burger (Germany) GmbH. In this role, she has overall responsibility for the German subsidiary of Meyer Burger Technology Ltd (SIX Swiss Exchange: MBTN), including the central functions in ESG and Sustainability, for which she is now responsible for the entire Group.

Katja Tavernaro holds a 2nd state examination in law from the Technical University of Dresden, as well as a degree in Human Resources Management. She is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Management at the Hagen Institute for Management Studies (HiMS), Hagen, Germany. She is a member of the Saxony Chamber of Lawyers and a deputy member of the Board of Directors of AOK Plus. 

Chairman of the Board of Directors Franz Richter: "With the appointment of Katja Tavernaro as Chief Sustainability Officer, we want to ensure that a coherent ESG strategy is implemented throughout the company. Not only do we want to produce the most sustainable solar modules in the world, we also aim to set new standards in the industry as a green company in terms of sustainability." CEO Gunter Erfurt says: "I congratulate Katja Tavernaro on her appointment to the Executive Board. She is ideally suited to further develop all relevant processes in her areas of responsibility in the upcoming growth phase and to anchor ESG principles throughout the company."

, © Meyer Burger AG

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