Glass Industry News

Innovative products with functional transparency

, sedak GmbH

At BAU, sedak presented two examples of how it has a clear edge in glass construction: firstly with the glass impact and edge protection “sedak clear-edge” for parapets, hand rails and edges of constructional glass building components, and secondly with a glass spacer for insulation glass – “sedak isopure”. Both of these innovations increase the level of transparency as functional tailor made detail solutions, especially in all-glass constructions.

With “sedak clear-edge” the glass processor based in Gersthofen, Germany, has developed a transparent, aesthetically attractive edging solution for exposed glass edges, for example on glass parapets or hand rails. This special glass strip is laminated onto the edge, providing it with a neat and clean conclusion. With its highly polished sides and absolutely flat glass surface, “sedak clear-edge” sets functional and aesthetic accents. The open edge of the glass composite is protected from the influences of the weather, the laminated-on glass acts as protection against impacts, thus enabling two-pane laminates where the building regulations previously required three-pane laminates to be used.

You see glass, glass and glass

With “sedak isopure” insulation glass façades look even more transparent. These glass spacers, which are utilized on two sides of the pane, cause the joints between the glass elements to be optically dissipated. “Glass façades with sedak isopure are almost uninterruptedly transparent. In combination with glass fins as supporting structural elements, highly transparent glass façades with up-to-date energy standards can be created”, explained sedak Managing Director Bernhard Veh.

Enormously popular exhibits

The trade fair was very positive for sedak. This was mainly due to the excellent response from the public. Veh: “Our stand was constantly very busy. We were especially pleased that four guided tours for architects visited sedak – with more than 2000 exhibitors this makes us feel especially honoured”. Among others, the internationally renowned daylight expert Ulrike Brandi brought a group of planners to the sedak stand in hall C3.

, © sedak GmbH

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