Glass Industry News

High-calibre accompanying programme with Hot Topics and top innovations

, glasstec

Düsseldorf, 12 June 2024 – From 22 to 25 October 2024 Düsseldorf will once again become the centre of the global glass industry. Under the motto “We are Glass” glasstec 2024 will stage an outstanding line-up of side events placing emphasis on the Hot Topics “Digital Technologies”, “Circular Economy” and “Decarbonisation”.

With its high-calibre accompanying programme glasstec 2024 proves once again that it lives up to its position as the global No. 1 trade fair.  glasstec connects experts from industry and research, promotes start-ups and serves as an impulse provider for trends and innovations in the glass sector also via knowledge transfer and networking formats.

The glasstec conference 2024 forms the backbone of the trade fair’s extensive lecture programme. On three stages talks by international experts, exhibitors, representatives from the glazier trade and representatives from science, research and design will be presented:

glass trends sessions: pooled sectoral know-how from theory and practice on the Hot Topics, shared by exhibitors and industry experts.

CircuClarity One: an initiative launched by Dr. Lisa Rammig and Prof. Linda Hildebrand shedding light on the developments and progress made in the glass industry with a focus on sustainable practices.

Craft LIVE: expert lectures and workshops for continuing education and insights into latest techniques and trends in the glazier trade.

Start-Up Sessions: platform for young companies to showcase innovative ideas and products.

glass melting pot: “Bringing together research and industry” – here research ideas and projects are introduced and debated in a setting with international glass experts.

architecture forum: renowned international architectural offices present their projects with a focus on “Current Trends and Challenges in Architecture with Glass”. This Forum is organised by glasstec in cooperation with trade journal DETAIL and Prof. Dr. Ing. Jutta Albus.

Also featuring at glasstec again: the innovation showcase glass technology live designed in cooperation with the Technical Universities of Darmstadt, Delft, Dresden and Bochum. This special show has become established as THE innovation platform and is considered a highlight for trade visitors, architects and all those interested in future glass applications. This year’s highlights include a glass pavilion of curved and laminated thin glass, manufactured by engineering design practice Eckersley O’Callaghan as well as windows that can transform into monitors. Fotoverbundglas Marl will present laminates that have not been technically achievable until now.

As another special show glass art will put extraordinary artworks and objects from international galleries on show, making it possible to explore the aesthetic diversity of glass.

Expressing his enthusiasm about the extensive programme accompanying glasstec 2024, Lars Wismer, Director of glasstec, says: “With this excellent line-up of events and presentations glasstec once again pitches itself as a pivotal impulse generator and indispensable source of information for the global glass sector. Thanks to this programme glasstec also boosts its appeal to, and relevance for, architects and engineers beyond the fields of industry, mechanical engineering and skilled crafts."

glasstec 2024 serves as a meeting point for decision-makers from throughout the world, providing a unique platform to strengthen business relations, develop new markets and jointly shape the future of the glass sector through exchange with leading industry representatives.

Visit glasstec in Düsseldorf from 22 to 25 October 2024 and experience how the glass industry masters tomorrow’s challenges. Tickets are available online at

, © glasstec

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Updated worldwide glass market study 2024 available now for flat, container glass and tableware

We have updated our international studies on flat glass, container glass and tableware for 2024.

This unique software provides a global overview about glass producers and technical details. Easy to use and clear tables summarize information and data about glass makers such as: Glass types: flat glass, container glass, tableware, production capacities in regions and countries, number of furnaces, furnace types, year of construction, glass types and sub-types, products, project information, special news and downloads.

Further databases supplying demoscopic data and import and export data complete the market survey. Based on these data, prepare individual country profiles with information about local production capacities, local market sizes and expected demand in the future.

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Further glass studies and reports 2024