Glass Industry News

Guardian Glass and Eastman Partner on the Ultimate in Color Neutral Laminated Glass

, Guardian Glass

Continuing demand for superior low-iron glass products in both the premium commercial and residential markets is being met with an innovative collaboration between Eastman and Guardian Glass.

Eastman and Guardian are jointly announcing Eastman’s new Saflex® Crystal Clear PVB interlayer, which is designed to produce one of the most color neutral, brilliant laminated low-iron glass products available today: Guardian UltraClear® LamiGlass™ Neutral.

“Until now, laminating low-iron glass was challenging because traditional interlayers tend to reduce the neutral, transparent properties of low-iron glass,” says Priya Kalsi, segment market manager with Eastman. “Our new Saflex Crystal Clear interlayer dramatically enhances the aesthetic appearance of Guardian UltraClear® low-iron glass when laminated, offering exceptional crisp neutrality and beauty, providing aesthetics that are very similar to monolithic Guardian UltraClear glass. All the traditional benefits of laminated glass remain unchanged, including safety, security and acoustic control. Saflex Crystal Clear PVB interlayer remains virtually undetectable at any visible angle in any light.”

“This collaboration with Eastman answered a key concern for both companies’ customers in search for an endless need for neutrality and transparency,” says Eric Lassalle, product manager Laminated Glass at Guardian Glass. “Our joint cooperation enabled us to deliver a greatly improved aesthetic appearance when Guardian UltraClear glass is laminated with Saflex Crystal Clear PVB interlayer. Crystal Clear PVB can also be used with various combinations of coatings and surface treatments on Guardian UltraClear glass, making it ideal for a targeted range of high-performance solutions.”

, © Guardian Glass

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