Glass Industry News

Glaston’s Jumbo and FC Series lines set Al-Manna apart from the rest

, Glaston

“Our aim is to achieve the highest level of perfection with the glass we provide to the booming market in Saudi Arabia,” says Mr. Ibrahim and Mr. Dafeer Manna Al-Amri, who head up Al-Manna Glass in the country’s capital of Riyadh.

Al-Manna is no stranger to Glaston. Established in 1952 by the father of Ibrahim and Dafeer, the company began its journey as a pioneer of high-quality tempered glass in the Middle East. Now 70 years later, with 35 branches of glass processing and mirror factories, Ibrahim and Dafeer carry on the legacy of delivering only the very best.

Al-Manna has been a leader in the field throughout its seven decades, thanks to the top-class glass processing machinery it has chosen along the way. From early on, the company selected the highest-quality equipment from Glaston and other European technology.

“We’re still taking full advantage of the two FC Series tempering lines with the Chinook convection technology we bought from Glaston in 2014,” says Ibrahim. “And the latest innovations in Glaston’s tempering technology led us to invest in the Jumbo Series tempering line, which was commissioned and ready to run in the spring of 2022. We also purchased the latest FC Series line, which was delivered in the middle of this year, to produce coated 6-mm glass for double-glazing units.”

The latest Glaston Jumbo Series tempering line with the unique Fusion option offers scalability and a modular design to meet varying business needs. It can easily switch between single- and double-chamber modes when needed. This saves energy costs and allows a mixed load of two kinds of glass in the same batch to meet requirements for laminated and gapless (vacuum) glass, boosting production efficiency.

“We’re working very hard to develop our offering, as customers are keen to get the best quality. With the Jumbo Series, we’ll be able to meet the requirements of extra-large glass, which is now in high demand, with a large production capacity. Architects and owners alike prefer the larger sizes for everything now – from facades to high-rise buildings. This trend has empowered us to purchase the Jumbo furnace from Glaston to stay ahead in our market.”

, © Glaston

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