Glass Industry News

FDS Fire Detection System for greater safety at the hot end

, Bucher Automation

Bucher Automation Tettnang, formerly futronic, will be exhibiting for the first time under the new name and new identity at glasstec 2024 in October. The company will also be showcasing its Fire Detection System FDS, which has been specially developed for use at the hot end and ensures greater safety in the production environment.

The FDS Fire Detection System is an innovative fire detection device that was specifically developed for use at the hot end of container glass production. It uses infrared cameras to continuously monitor heat development on IS machines and in their immediate surroundings. The system automatically identifies even the tiniest fire sources in real time and interprets the local temperature rise as a deviation from the typical target thermal signature for the area in question.

If defined values are exceeded, a cascade of countermeasures is automatically set in motion. The system first of all sounds the alarm and alerts machine operators acoustically and visually to the impending fire situation. The IS machine is simultaneously shut down in several steps.

In the first step, the gob distributor is stopped and the individual sections and conveyor belts are run empty. All oxidising substances can additionally be switched off, such as the cooling air supply or the lubrication and hydraulic systems. In the second step, a safe emergency stop is activated for all connected systems. As an option, the FDS disconnects the complete power supply to the production machine and activates the automatic extinguishing devices in the vicinity.

Autonomous, automatic FDS response to potential fire hazards

“Things can get very hot in a glassmaking factory – it’s part and parcel”, explains Florian Pawlowski, Product Manager at Bucher Automation Tettnang, “and small fires on or around IS machines are nothing particularly unusual”. Such fires can often be caused by falling bottles, and oils or lubricants too can easily catch fire. He goes on to describe how the FDS detects the outbreak of fire at an early stage, in other words before it has a chance to become really dangerous and inflict damage. “Damage that can soon run into millions.”

Until now, machine operators have had to keep a watchful eye in order to detect fires in time. The new system does this for them by responding completely autonomously and automatically to fire hazards and taking all necessary measures to protect people and material. Pawlowski: “The FDS makes a substantial contribution towards greater safety in the production environment – for machines and operators alike”.

The FDS can be customised to meet specific requirements

The Fire Detection System is a standalone solution that is simple to connect, not only to control and drive products from Bucher Automation Tettnang but also to third-party systems. The FDS can also be customised to meet specific requirements, of course. Bucher Automation Tettnang’s specialists are currently subjecting FDS prototypes to tough field tests in cooperation with some pilot users. The aim here is to enable the system to be evaluated, adapted and continuously improved. Bucher Automation Tettnang will be presenting the FDS Fire Detection System for the first time at glasstec 2024 in Hall 13, Stand D73.

, © Bucher Automation

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