Glass Industry News

Encirc´s partnership day uncorks plans for the future of the beverages industry

, Encirc

Encirc Beverages is celebrating the success of its Partnership Day – a first of its kind event which brought together leaders and partners from across Encirc’s supply chain and customer base.

Spearheaded by Managing Director Richard Lloyd, the event was designed to foster thought leadership and address the state of flux of the supply chain and beverage industries with over 100 companies represented on the day including industry giants such as Smurfit Westrock, the WSTA, Diageo, Sainsburys and Tesco. Key discussions on the day focused on doing more with less, influencing consumer trends, addressing cost concerns, and sustainability.

Creating a collaborative industry rose to the top of the agenda, with the opportunity for the beverages and glass industries to showcase their expertise and progress to influence policy that works for the entire supply chain, as well as consumers and the planet.

Hosted at The Londoner in Leicester Square, London, the event also saw Encirc Beverages unveil its Vivid Vision strategy – a bold new approach that transcends its 360 service with the aim of creating a better sector for everyone from suppliers and retailers to customers.

Speaking on the event, Richard Lloyd said: “The Partnership Day gave us a great forum to speak with people from all aspects of the sector – suppliers, retailers, customers, and strategic partners – and explore the focuses that really matter to businesses.

“The day has been a resounding success and the feedback we’ve had on our Vivid Vision plan has been fantastic. The strategy is something I’m incredibly passionate about and the closer we can work with our partners and the earlier we can bring them into our plans, the more change we’ll be able to create. I'm so pleased to have been able to facilitate this event; we hope everyone who attended found it as useful as we did and is as inspired as we are to work towards a better and more collaborative future for the industry.”

Miles Beale, Wine & Spirit Trade Association Chief Executive and Presenter at the event, added:

“The beverage industry needs to work increasingly closely if it is to meet the sustainability challenges of the future - whether they are driven by commercial drivers, changing consumer preferences or government interventions.

"Encirc’s Partnership Day was a great opportunity for the beverage industry - and its supply chain partners - to meet and consider what needs to be achieved, including by working collaboratively. As an industry we are well placed, well skilled and well motivated to make significant progress towards Net Zero - working with others, including government."

, © Encirc

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