Glass Industry News

cericom Laser, the Leading Expert in Glass Laser Processing Technology - Exclusively Manufactured in Germany

, cericom Laser

cericom Laser, a renowned name in the field of glass laser processing, proudly presents its cutting-edge solutions. With a firm commitment to delivering high-performance technology, the company has established itself in the industry. Their expertise and dedication to precision engineering have made them the go-to choice for businesses worldwide.

When it comes to processing glass, cericom's specialized laser processing machines are the perfect partner. They offer the ideal solutions for all your glass processing needs, ensuring not just optimal performance, but also a valuable investment for your business.

As the demand for glass processing continues to rise, cericom Laser offers a comprehensive range of solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of various industries. Whether you want to frost the surface of glass, structure it three-dimensionally on the inside, or drill into complex shapes without touching it: With cericom's glass laser processing solutions, you can realize sophisticated projects in architecture and design and offer your customers something new and revolutionary. cericom machines are equipped with the latest laser technology and allow you to decorate and drill glass easily and precisely.

cericom Laser has been consistently developing its technology for years, combining glass and light in unimagined ways and offering its customers unparalleled performance and reliability. The German-based company offers a range of machine models to choose from to ensure customers get the equipment that best fits their needs and budget.

c-vertica, the space saver

Wherever horizontal alignment of the glass is not required, this system provides a powerful laser machine for glass processing.

c-mark | Marking Module

The c-mark module can be used wherever high quality markings are required or copyright is an issue.

c-cut 300/300 | Laser Glass Drilling / Milling Machine

This machine is designed for laser cutting, drilling and milling of optically transparent brittle materials, primarily for laser processing of glass.

With cericom's commitment to global delivery, businesses around the world can benefit from their specialized laser processing machines. Whether you're located in Europe, North America, Asia, or any other corner of the globe, cericom ensures that their state-of-the-art solutions are accessible to you.

Visit cericom‘s website at to learn more about their laser technology and machines, and how they can help you achieve your project goals.


, © cericom Laser

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Updated worldwide glass market study 2025 available now for flat, container glass and tableware

We have updated our international studies on flat glass, container glass and tableware for 2025.

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