Glass Industry News

BVGlazing continues to build value for its customers

, Glaston

“Glass has become a feature of the building – not just something you’re looking through. That’s why all the glass we deliver must be of the highest possible quality,” says Andrew Dolphin, General Manager Glass Operations at BVGlazing in Toronto. “Glaston’s RC350 and FC500 have helped us expand our business to greater capacity with outstanding glass quality.”

BVGlazing is the result of the August 2016 merger of two dominant forces in the North American architectural design, manufacturing and construction markets – Allan Windows Group and Global Architectural Metals Group. The goal was to combine resources and the century of experience in the development of bold new products and efficiencies servicing the window wall, curtain wall and railing industries. Since then, the company has been chosen for many truly iconic buildings throughout North America, completing over 30 projects per year.

About four years ago, BVGlazing purchased a Glaston RC350 tempering furnace and entered into the tempering business. Then two years later, they purchased a Glaston FC500 tempering furnace.

The core business for BVGlazing is high-rise residential and commercial construction. Earlier, condos used much smaller and conventional glass with standard double silvers. Now, these projects are utilizing large wall facades and incorporating the entire pallet of Low-Es – triple silvers, reflective Low-Es and tints.

“The buildings are really becoming showpieces,” Andrew explains. “Glass is obviously a huge part of that. So, the quality of our tempering has a tremendous impact on the end result. The glass finished product needs to be flat and without any distortion. And that’s a trend that seems to be continuing.”

“The control we have with the furnace, especially the FC500, with thermocouples and thermal scanning lets us make adjustments on the fly. We also have Glaston’s iLooK online quality control system on the FC500, which helps us nail down a really good recipe for flat glass and limited roller wave.”

, © Glaston

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Updated worldwide glass market study 2025 available now for flat, container glass and tableware

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