Glass Industry News

Brazil container glass factory back in operation

, Indústria de Vidros do Nordeste (IVN)

Indústria de Vidros do Nordeste (IVN), in Estância, is one of the factories that receives industrial incentive from Sergipe Government.

It has been paralyzed for two years, being acquired by Vidroporto Embalagens, which was founded 40 years ago and since then had a 25% market share in the country. Production is expected to reach 55,000 tons of glass packaging per year.
The industry resumed activities in the lastJanuary, giving employment opportunities to approximately 180 people with an expectation of increase. 

The contractors are former employees, who have had renewed hope, as is the case of the area's cold area inspector, Marta Barbosa da Rocha.  "I work by evaluating the defects of the bottles. I was able to go back to work and still close to home. I release the bottles for transport.  It's a relief to be able to get our bread back, "he vibrates. 

The factory welcomed representatives of the State Secretariat for Economic Development of Science and Technology (Sedetec), the secretary José Augusto Carvalho, and Sergipe Economic Development Company (Codise), director-president, José Matos by end of the month.  At the site, they were able to evaluate the operation of the industry and talk to representatives of the Glassworks, the CEO Edson Luís Rossi the COO Valdecy Cabral and the administrative manager Patrícia Aguiar. 

"The factory is working perfectly and securing jobs for former employees, which is good for people who thought they would be unemployed. The visit was very fruitful, "says the secretary José Augusto Carvalho. For the CEO of Codise, José Matos, the factory has been contributing positively to the state's economy.  "In such a short time of operation they are already bringing satisfactory results to our economy.  We hope the work continues to progress, "he says. 

According to the director of operations of Vidroporto, Valdecy Cabral, 60% of the employees are from Estância for the matter of displacement and the rest of Aracaju.  He talks about the importance of receiving the encouragement of state government.  "It's critical to the business.  If we do not have the incentive, surely it becomes much more difficult to become competitive in the market, "he says.  On hiring former employees of the other industry he is emphatic.  "We tried to hire the people who worked here because of the experience they had in this business," he says.


, © Indústria de Vidros do Nordeste (IVN)

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