Glass Industry News

AMETEK Land Enhances SPOT Infrared Pyrometer Software


AMETEK Land reveals its enhanced SPOT infrared pyrometer software packages, SPOTViewer and SPOTPro, which are designed to give users an even better understanding of the performance of their processes and help realise industry 4.0 connectivity.

Specifically developed to work seamlessly with the latest generation of industry-leading single point pyrometers, SPOTViewer is a software facility that enables a user to connect, configure and analyse temperature measurement data from any AMETEK Land SPOT pyrometer and temperature profile graphs with an Actuator.

Ideally suited to small plants, where advanced process control systems are not available, or process optimisation is required, SPOTViewer configures, displays and logs data from a single location. Designed with an intuitive user-friendly interface, it presents data in a graphical view, making sophisticated analysis of trends and patterns simple, ensuring users can make highly detailed process optimisation decisions.

Simple configuration of pyrometer and actuator settings from a remote location gives the user total control over temperature measurement on their process, remotely. There’s no need to be present at the thermometer location. Users can completely control temperature measurements, make easy configurations to a pyrometer or actuator and control the SPOT pyrometer’s video image of the process from any connected PC running the software.

Live and recorded temperature trend data delivers detailed information about each data point at a frequency of up to 1ms. Additionally, statistical analysis is available to calculate the minimum, average and maximum values as well as the rate of change, for each temperature trend. SPOTViewer can be set to log temperature data only when a configurable threshold is triggered, enabling the plant to easily discover and analyse faults in processes.

With support for the SPOT Actuator, a user has control directly from a PC. They can trigger a scan, move the actuator’s position and change device settings directly within SPOTViewer. They can also overlay multiple scan results on the Scan Graph to easily compare target temperature profiles.

Chris Leonard, Director of Development and Product Management for AMETEK Land, said, “We’re continually innovating in our software to ensure our customers can benefit from the very best access to data regarding the performance of their instruments, plus provide online data that can be integrated into the industry 4.0 environment.” 

Leonard continued, “These latest releases will bring extensive benefits to customers in terms of giving them a clearer picture of their SPOT pyrometers on one screen, where they can easily compare live and historical data. That means they can make more informed decisions based on accurate, clearly accessible information.”

Whereas SPOTViewer software is ideal for one SPOT pyrometer and free to download, SPOTPro is an advanced software facility that provides a single control point to configure, store and view data from up to 40 SPOT infrared pyrometers. This brings major advantages for the user as it provides a complete overview of all the SPOT pyrometers connected to a network. SPOTPro allows the user to independently configure data logging for each thermometer by setting automatic triggers for data storage.  

With the facility to view up to 40 thermometers, users can compare and contrast data from many devices on one or more screens and, by switching between live and historical data, they can comprehensively analyse measurements. 

Each thermometer can be individually configured for a defined storage interval for target temperature, two detector temperatures, ambient temperature, and emissivity. This allows users to set customised criteria for data measurements during important events.

All AMETEK Land SPOT pyrometers are designed for high accuracy, reliability, simple installation, configuration and flexible digital communications. What’s more, they are now fully supported by the latest software technology. 

SPOTViewer software is available as a free download, and SPOTPro as a free 30-day trial.

, © AMETEK Land

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