Glass Industry News

AGC Glass Europe unveils brand-new product website:

, AGC Glass Europe

AGC is leveraging the launch of its brand-new product website to share its passion for glass with its various target audiences, the ultimate aim being to support them as they go about their everyday business.

As the heart of AGC’s digital ecosystem, the new site will serve as a fully integrated hub guiding visitors to relevant AGC products and services based on each user’s needs and knowledge. New inspirational content – ranging from case studies to customer testimonials and innovation stories – will inspire existing customers, architects, installers and homeowners alike.

Easier navigation based on user profiles

The new YourGlass website features improved navigation and functionality designed to provide a relevant and customised user experience for four key target groups that each have their own needs: 1) distributors and processors, 2) architects and specifiers, 3) installers and 4) homeowners. After selecting their profile and country, visitors will be smoothly and seamlessly guided to relevant product information and documents, including direct links to well-known digital tools, such as the Glass Configurator.

“Customer-centricity has always been our priority, since we aim to deliver an outstanding customer experience,” explains Denis Ramboux, Sales & Marketing Director at AGC Glass Europe. “One of our underlying principles is to provide the best possible tools enabling our customers to be more autonomous and efficient in their everyday work – and the YourGlass site is one of the cornerstones in this approach,” he continues.

Fast, easy and fun!

By taking each target group on a customised journey, AGC strives to better guide visitors through its extensive portfolio of products and tools. Distributors and processors will easily find product information and documents while also being prompted to explore new innovations. Architects and specifiers will be inspired by relevant case studies and customer testimonials and will be able to explore different lifestyle themes, applications and glass features so they can find the best possible solutions for their projects. Installers can learn more about glass and its many applications through hands-on tutorials and case studies and also easily access useful accessories. And homeowners can explore the many applications and features that glass offers for their homes.

“When it comes to our digital transformation process, our motto is Fast, easy and fun!” says Denis Ramboux. “The new YourGlass site takes this approach for every audience we cater to. And this is just the start. From this new foundation, the YourGlass experience will evolve into even more personalised journeys, including private login areas for customers and architects offering access to certain functionalities. More to come soon!” he concludes.

Main functionalities

The new site is the result of a thorough strategic and analytical process that included extensive teamwork with many internal and external stakeholders – the ultimate aim being to deliver the best possible experience for customers throughout their journey.

The site’s main functionalities include:

  • A customised user experience based on four navigation profiles
  • Easy search for products and services by type of glass, key features, lifestyle theme and application
  • Vast choice of inspirational content: innovation stories, news, AGC Expert Corner, customer testimonials, tutorials and architectural reference case studies, including extensive image galleries
  • Regularly updated country-specific news
  • Direct access to online tools, such as the Glass Configurator, product catalogues and more
  • Comprehensive document library: easily find and download the documents you need

The site is available in nine languages: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Russian and Czech. Users can also choose their country, which means the information displayed will vary depending on product availability in each market.

Users can explore our brand-new site at

, © AGC Glass Europe

Материал новостей на Сайте - авторское право и принадлежит Компании или третьему лицу, поставщику новостей , и все права сохранены. Любой Пользователь, который получает доступ к такому материалу, может делать это только в целях собственного использования, и использование такого материала - риск для самого Пользователя. Перераспределение или другая коммерческая эксплуатация такого материала новостей явно запрещены. Где такой материал новостей обеспечен третьим лицом, каждый Пользователь соглашается наблюдать и быть связанным определенными условиями использования, относящимися к такому материалу новостей. Мы не представляем или подтверждаем точность, или надежность любой информации содержащейся в любых новостях или внешних веб-сайтах, упомянутых в новостях.

Если содержание или оформление этих станиц нарушает права третьих лиц или положения закона, тогда мы просим о соответствующем уведомлении без необходимых издержек. Я ручаюсь, что по праву вызванное недовольство место в тексте будет незамедлительно удалено, не требуя подключения поверенного лица с Вашей стороны. Однако вызванные Вами расходы без преждевременного установления конакта будут нами в полной мере отклонены и при необходимости мы подадим встречную жалобу касательно нарушения вышеназванных положений.

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Updated worldwide glass market study 2025 available now for flat, container glass and tableware

We have updated our international studies on flat glass, container glass and tableware for 2025.

This unique software provides a global overview about glass producers and technical details. Easy to use and clear tables summarize information and data about glass makers such as: Glass types: flat glass, container glass, tableware, production capacities in regions and countries, number of furnaces, furnace types, year of construction, glass types and sub-types, products, project information, special news and downloads.

Further databases supplying demoscopic data and import and export data complete the market survey. Based on these data, prepare individual country profiles with information about local production capacities, local market sizes and expected demand in the future.

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Updated container glass study 2025


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