Glass Industry News

A complete success for the virtual LiSEC Campus

, LiSEC GmbH

More than 1000 visitors from right around the world took up their invitation to visit the virtual LiSEC trade fair that took place from 27 to 30 October 2020.

The LiSEC Campus is based around the finest of leading edge gaming technology and provides guests with virtual walk-through pavilions in which they can experience LiSEC machine holograms and 3D models as well as the entire LiSEC portfolio of products.

There was also a series of moderated expert discussions, insights into the production process, online seminars and interactive communications options to complete the Campus programme.

“The last few months, living with the Covid-19 pandemic, have shown that, to an increasing extent, digital communication is gaining acceptance. The success of the LiSEC Campus firmly encourages us to navigate further down this path”, states Gottfried Brunbauer confidently. He continues to drive forward company development in this positive direction. The key focus for Mr. Brunbauer is on the flexibilisation and digitalisation of LiSEC.  

LiSEC “all in one solutions”

“At LiSEC, a one-stop shop, customers can obtain a full suite of solutions for the entire scope of glass processing operations – the machines, the software for machinery, as well as made-to-measure products for materials management or controlling”, states Gottfried Brunbauer with emphasis. “That is what we understand by ‘all in one solutions’”. This was also the introductory motto for the virtual LiSEC Campus. An important aspect of the “all in one solutions” philosophy is the service area in which LiSEC is investing a great deal. “Our excellent service is often the key factor in purchase decisions for LiSEC solutions”, recounts Dr. Roger Hafenscherer, Director of the After Sales Service at LiSEC during the trade fair.  

LiSAIR Express Delivery Service

LiSEC also unveiled its new LiSAIR service at the Campus, an innovation in this sector. This service uses a helicopter to deliver spare or wear parts to the customer remarkably quickly. By way of example, from receipt of order, at a distance of 240 km it would take just 3.5 hours for a delivery to reach the nearest landing place. And a service technician can also be on board, if necessary.  

A strong corporate group

LiSEC partners Schraml Glastechnik, Glastronic, Glastech and Cericom also made appearances on the virtual campus. With their areas of specialism, they play an important role in the “all in one solutions” of LiSEC. For example, as a member of the LiSEC Group, GLASTRONiC buys and sells used LiSEC glass processing machines. When it does so, GLASTRONiC guarantees that the machinery operates perfectly and customers appreciate the unbeatable price-performance ratio.  

Many innovations and further developments

Over the four days of the trade fair, LiSEC presented many new solutions spanning the entire scope of glass processing operations. Visitors were able, for example, to get informed about the new PlusLam system with its ingenious lamination technology, and about the new generation of LiSEC’s VSL-A laminated glass cutting machine. The insulating glass line for thermoplastic spacers (TPA) received a range of enhancements in relation to quality and flexibility. Another impressive item on show was the new MSA-A30 system for the manual sealing of insulating glass units and the SplitFin multi-function processing machine that handles edge processing and internal processing separately. The RHH industrial robot was a highlight of the LiSEC Campus, demonstrating remarkable flexibility and performance capability in the loading and unloading of tempering beds.  

Prospects for 2021

LiSEC is not alone in finding it hard to plan for the future during the global Covid-19 pandemic. However, the company wishes to continue delivering its innovative, fully automatic solutions to technologically highly-developed markets such as Europe and Asia. In addition, LiSEC is continuing to develop high-quality basic systems to cater for growing markets such as India or South America. LiSEC aims to reinforce all regions with what it calls LiSEC Hubs, building up local knowledge and resources to enable it to respond more rapidly to its customers. In 2021, LiSEC wishes to be attending real trade fairs again. During the virtual campus event, Gottfried Brunbauer named future events such as glasstec in Düsseldorf, China Glass, Vitrum in Milan and GlassBuild America. Depending on how the coronavirus pandemic unfolds, these events will be complemented by virtual formats such as the LiSEC Campus. “We are certainly looking forward to celebrating our 60th company anniversary next year, and hope to hold a lovely event in the autumn of 2021”, added Brunbauer.

Anyone wishing more information about the LiSEC Campus is welcome to contact to agree a Campus Tour with a LiSEC sales representative.

, © LiSEC GmbH

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Updated worldwide glass market study 2025 available now for flat, container glass and tableware

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