Horn Glass Industries AG

HORN®’s current status of knowledge is based on more than 140 years of experience, which enables the company to supply the highest quality products for the production of beverage bottles, food containers, drinking glasses, window panes, automotive glass, glass tubes, glass fibres or special glass. 

With its abroad subsidiary companies in China, Malaysia, India, Croatia, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Brazil and Romania, HORN® ensures short response time and proximity for its customers worldwide. Still, 90% of the products are exported from the HORN® headquarters in Plössberg (located in the Bavarian Upper Palatinate, Germany) to more than 75 countries worldwide.

At all times, HORN® offers its customers full support and a helping hand. Due to a very high level of vertical integration of all products, HORN® offers tailor-made solutions and, at the same time, has ventured into new areas, e.g. in the construction of proprietary tin baths and related equipment.


Компания Horn Glass Industries AG
Адрес Bergstraße 2
95703 Plößberg
Телефон 0049 9636 9204-0
Факс 0049 9636 920410
Электронная почта Email Contact
Интернет www.hornglass.com
Работники 475
Товарооборот 100 Mio. Euro
Сертификаты DIN ISO 9001:2000
Год основания 1999
Экспортный Уровень 90%

Контактная информация

Имя Мистер Dipl.-Eng. Stephan Meindl
Позиция President and CEO
Телефон 0049 9636 9204 52
Факс 0049 9636 9204 10
Электронная почта Email Contact
Имя Миссис Ekaterina Firsova
Позиция Executive Director Glass Plant Technology
Телефон 0049 9636 9204 61
Электронная почта Email Contact
Имя Мистер Dipl.-Eng. Ulrich Imhof
Позиция Executive Director Container/Special Glass
Телефон 0049 9636 9204 83
Факс 0049 9636 9204 10
Электронная почта Email Contact


Horn Glass Industries AG
Bergstrasse 2
95703 Plößberg
Phone: 0049 9636 92040
FAX: 0049 9636 920410



HORN® manufactures a wide range of products in its own workshops in Plössberg such as:

  • Gas, oxyfuel and heavy oil heating for melting furnaces
  • Electric boosting systems
  • Batch chargers
  • Burners
  • Stirrers
  • Tin baths and tin bath equipment
  • Tweels
  • Dross boxes
  • Waste gas reversing units
  • Control cabinets and SCADA systems

HORN® is the service provider for the realisation of customer visions and projects in the field of glass and supports its customers from the first draught through the implementation process to permanent production support on-site.



HORN to build 300 tpd solar glass line

As one of the industry leaders in the implementation of turn-key projects, HORN was awarded the contract for the supply of a brand-new end fired solar glass furnace by Glass


  • Íîâîñòè Ñòåêîëüíîé Ïðîìûøëåííîñòè


HORN baut 300 tpd Solarglaslinie

Als einer der Branchenführer bei der Umsetzung schlüsselfertiger Projekte erhielt HORN von Glass Technology den Zuschlag für die Lieferung einer neuen U-Flammenwanne für


  • Íîâîñòè Ñòåêîëüíîé Ïðîìûøëåííîñòè


HORN builds oxy-hybrid furnace in Germany

Gerresheimer contracted the glass melting technology specialist HORN to replace the existing furnace and to convert it to the latest low-CO2 glass melting


  • Íîâîñòè Ñòåêîëüíîé Ïðîìûøëåííîñòè


HORN baut Oxy-Hybrid-Wanne in Deutschland

Gerresheimer beauftragte den Glasschmelztechnik-Spezialisten HORN, die bestehende Wanne, auf neueste CO2-arme Glasschmelztechnik


  • Íîâîñòè Ñòåêîëüíîé Ïðîìûøëåííîñòè


Molybdän-Wall: Strömungsbarriere für optimale Glasqualität in Schmelzwannen

Der Molybdän-Wall wird in Bassins von Schmelzwannen im Bereich nach dem Quellpunkt eingesetzt, um den Schmelzteil vom Läuterteil zu trennen und damit eine Kurzschlussströmung zu


  • Íîâîñòè Ñòåêîëüíîé Ïðîìûøëåííîñòè


  Тип файла Размер файла    
PDF 6874649 Glass Production Technology
HORN® is a medium-sized company with many years of experience in planning, engineering and building glass melting furnaces as well as turn-key glass plants. As a passionate specialist and reliable partner for the global glass industry, the company provides its customers with tailor-made solutions, when it comes to the design and supply of glass melting technology all over the world.
PDF 8906401 Batch Chargers
Description of various batch chargers
PDF 1172011 Bubbling System
A system to support and stabilize the glass flow in order to increase glass quality
PDF 6489401 Colouring Forehearths download
PDF 11365522 Construction Service download
PDF 6992630 Cora
The CORA system is a specially designed supply station to pre-mix gas and combustion air in a constant ratio for combustion inside the distributor and forehearths.
PDF 2411285 Drainage download
PDF 8419688 Ecofurbishing download
PDF 8625210 Electric Boosting download
PDF 3684656 Engineering Steel download
PDF 7151844 Eurox download
PDF 4932116 Glass Conditioning Systems download
PDF 1831345 Glass Level Measuring download
PDF 7517516 Glass Melting Technology download
PDF 6228300 JSJ Speciality Glass download
PDF 4019538 Modelling download
PDF 1179392 Reversing System download
PDF 1432055 Stirring Systems download
PDF 7721249 Utility Equipment download
PDF 733217 Dross Box download
PDF 770263 Gas Mixing Technology download
PDF 5197282 Graphite Equipment download
PDF 5664875 Hot End Automation System download
PDF 759166 Linear Motor download
PDF 733195 Neck Cooler download
PDF 802414 Tin Bath Coolers download
PDF 652443 Top Roller download
PDF 746797 Tweel download

Info Grid


Компания Horn Glass Industries AG предлагает свои продукты и услуги в области Burner, Burner Design, Controlling and Automation (MSR), Cooling Device, Cooling Technology, Doghouse, Energy Supply, Feeder Design, Furnace Cooling, Installation / Assembly, Melting Furnace, Recuperative Chamber, Refractory Materials, Regenerative Chamber, Steel Construction, Technical Calculations, Technical Planning, Technical Planning & calculations

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The experts in glass technology

The eXperts in glass technology