
WBT Kicks Off 2023 with Exciting News and Accomplishments

WBT Sales Team's Hard Work Brings Impressive Results

WBT's sales and Business Development teams efforts, combined with WBT's commitment to delivering high-quality products and services, has produced outstanding results for the company. The year started with the successful completion of key deals, providing positive feedback and inspiration for the team to continue striving for excellence in the months ahead. 

WBT's R&D Team Pioneers Cutting-Edge Gob-Cutting Blades

The Research and Development team at WBT is building upon their efforts from 2022 to create a cutting-edge series of gob-cutting blades. The initial round of tests has yielded impressive results, which are expected to be confirmed in the near future. With this new series, WBT is poised to offer blades that not only match the high-quality standards of their current products, but also boast longer lifespans, all at the same cost. 

WBT Achieves Energy Independence with Solar Panel Installation

We're proud to announce that the installation of solar panels on the roofs of WBT is now complete! The fully operational system produces 120 KW at its peak, easily surpassing the energy needs of our production and office facilities. Early tests this year have confirmed the initial estimates and we're thrilled to say that WBT is now energy self-sufficient thanks to the clean, renewable power generated by these panels.

24.04.2023, WBT


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