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Контактная информация
Адрес | Citala Glass Apps USA 2 Habarzel St. Tel-Aviv, 69710 |
Продукты / Машины
Citala´s Smart Films are windows that change from opaque to transparent with voltage. This feature has been applied to high-end appliances and architecture. Citala’s optical shutters have also been applied to ophthalmological, surgical, and athletic equipment.
Citala OnyxTM technology
Our advantages include:
- Colors: white to very dark gray
- Low power consumption
- Fast switching speed (millisecs)
- Gradual opaque-to-transparent
- Laminated onto curved surfaces
- Low haze (6%)
- Clarity (78% light transmission)
- Excellent durability
- UV protection is not required
- Improved noise reduction
- A screen for back projection
- Roll-to-Roll manufacturing
- Long-lasting: 10 years indoors