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Контактная информация
Адрес | Pedro Segura, S.L. Grupo Segura Ruiz Ctra. de Madrid, Km 386 30500 Molina de Segura-Murcia |
Электронная почта | Get in contact with Pedro Segura, S.L. |
Продукты / Машины
SEDANGLAS - Cold - end glass container coating
Ideal for:
• Thin walled glass containers (non - returnable bottles/jars).
• Returnable glass containers
• Food storage jars for hot food or for refrigeration.
• Glass containers subject to extreme wear and to degradation during the filling process
• Glass containers used for pasteurisation or sterilisation .
• Pharmaceutical products glass containers
Equipment for dosing of cold end treatment, compatible with all products and main function of reserve in bypass.
Independent input and output pressure regulation. Filter, solenoid valve for filling boiler and non-return. Pressure of water and air. Reserve tank. The system is equipped with two pumps (primary and secondary). Display screen and weight scale Viewer control and full waste tank control detector with automatic alarm system.