Updated worldwide glass market study 2025 available now for flat, container glass and tableware

We have updated our international studies on flat glass, container glass and tableware for 2025.

This unique software provides a global overview about glass producers and technical details. Easy to use and clear tables summarize information and data about glass makers such as: Glass types: flat glass, container glass, tableware, production capacities in regions and countries, number of furnaces, furnace types, year of construction, glass types and sub-types, products, project information, special news and downloads.

Further databases supplying demoscopic data and import and export data complete the market survey. Based on these data, prepare individual country profiles with information about local production capacities, local market sizes and expected demand in the future.

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Updated container glass study 2025


Updated float glass study 2025


Further glass studies and reports 2025


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Контактная информация

Адрес Jüllich Glas Holding Zrt.
Alba Processed Glasses
8000 Székesfehérvár,
Holland fasor 5.
Электронная почта Get in contact with Jüllich Glas Holding Zrt.

Продукты / Машины

Insulated glasses

Starting in 1994 this activity became the market leading activitiy in Hungary, with 8 production lines is 3 factories.

Insulated glasses according to their functions:

Enhanced heat insulating glasses: filled with argon and other gases
Solar proof insulating glasses
Security insulating glasses
Sound proof insulating glasses
Fire proof insulating glasses
Decorative insulating glasses
Combined insulated glasses

Enhanced heat insulating glasses: filled with argon and other gases

On the field of the insulated glass structures the product range is really wide: from the simple float glass structures to the most advanced 1,0 W/m2K heat-transmission structures every element can be found in our offer;

In Hungary the so called Low-E structures are more and more needed that insures high heating saving, plus more comfort in the living area avoiding ourselves from the feeling of cold by the window. Lowering the heat transmission value, the surplus investing cost will refunded in a few years by saving on the heating costs, and with this long term investing we spare many, that can be spend on other useful articles. Moreover the environmental pollution and CO2 emission is also decreased.
These glass structures - beside the high light transmission - process an optimized, advantageous solar factor too (g-value), meanwhile they insure an outstanding K-value.

There is a novelty, the tempered Low-E glass. We can continuously service the market with short term production and deliveries.

Solar proof insulating glasses

Because the tendency of the architecture to use large glass surfaces, insulating is a very important point to ensure the solar protection. Moreover to choose the colour and the reflective feature of the ornament.
The solar-proof glass structures stop and decrease the warming up effects of the sun in the inner space, that is extremely important in the air conditioned buildings.
The energy cost of a standard air conditioned airspace can be 4 times expensive, as heating up the same large airspace, that is why the right value of the solar factor (g-value) is so important. The energy saving during the operation means not only saving the costs, but directly and indirectly the measure of the environment pollution is lowered too.
For this target we can choose from many different type of glasses. Because of the different types of glasses the technical parameters and the prices are also moving on a wide scale.

The applicable solar proof product groups are the following:

Coloured glasses (body tinted)
only a few colours
slight selectivity
slightly gives back its colour
low reflectivity
relative high absorption
Pyrolytic, hard coated reflective glasses (Stopsol, Antelio)
high outer reflection
many colours
wide scale in light transmission
glazing can be solved in single and/or insulated structure, can be tempered;
Magnetron semi-hard coated reflective glasses
wide colour and light transmission scale (10-67%)
wide "g-value" scale (8-56%)
can be applied limited in one layer
some type of it can be bended, and tempered (Sun Guard);
Multifunction (selective coated) magnetron soft coated glasses
wide colour range
low reflectivity
relative high light transmission (41-67%)
excellent "g-value" (24-43%)
good "K-value" (1,0 -1,3 - with Argon gas filling)
low absorption;

Security insulating glasses

Sound proof insulating glasses

Light transmission, beside the K- and the g-value calmness, silence and security is more and more frequently required, which is given by the tempered and/or laminated security glasses.

Sound-proof between 28-54 dB.

Glasses laminated by a PVB foil can be used for overhead glazing, barriers, glass stairs and exterior wall systems. Sandblasting optional graphics, decoration and no-sliding can be solved.

Types of the qualified laminated security glasses:

"A" hinderthrow through
"B" hinder break in
"C" bulletproof
"D" explosion resistant

Fire proof insulating glasses

Decorative insulating glasses

Combined insulated glasses

Production capacity: 1.000.000 m2/year