BDF Industries S.p.A., Head Office and Sales Department

With more than a-hundred years experience, BDF Group is the unique supplier able to propose a complete offer for the hollow-glass making industry: from the design and production of furnaces, forehearths and IS machines to complete turn-key plants.

BDF Glass Division aims at providing the customer with the complete selection of equipment and services which are required during the hollow-glass production process: from the melting furnace to the stacker. The Experience of the Glass Division allows BDF to assist the glass plant in:

  • Designing and supplying new Furnaces, Forehearts, I.S. Machines and the related Process Control Systems
  • Revamping existing plants and providing Technical Assistance
  • Supporting the Customer step-by-step (training, assistance in start up and production, audit, maintenance activities, etc.)

The strong technological know-how of BDF Industries Glass Division permits also to satisfy the soaring demand of updated control systems that can cope with the growing integration and flexibility of the glass plants, and to enhance their productivity, efficiency, reliability and cost and energy savings.

BDF Industries Group enters a new era of glass production processes, characterized by the full automation and the easy management of the glass factory.



Компания BDF Industries S.p.A.
Head Office and Sales Department
Адрес Viale dell’Industria, 40
36100 Vicenza
Телефон 0039 0444 286100
Факс 0039 0444 286 299
Электронная почта Email Contact
Работники 200
Товарооборот 38.500.000,00 EURO
Год основания 1906
Экспортный Уровень 80 %

Контактная информация

Имя Миссис Klara Begolli
Позиция Head of Export Sales
Телефон +39 0444 286100
Электронная почта Email Contact
Имя Мистер Oscar Dalla Fontana
Позиция CEO
Телефон 0039 0444 286100
Факс 0039 0444 286108
Электронная почта Email Contact
Имя Мистер Luciano Pontiggia
Позиция Asia Pacific Sales Manager
Электронная почта Email Contact
Имя Мистер Доктор Ferdinando Dalla Fontana
Позиция Sales
Телефон 0039 0444 286.100
Электронная почта Email Contact
Имя Мистер Juan Suarez
Позиция Technical Service Specialist
Телефон +52 81 10400259
Электронная почта Email Contact
Имя Миссис Eleonora Sgarzani
Электронная почта Email Contact
Имя Мистер Antonio dalla Pria
Позиция Sales Asia / Middle East
Электронная почта Email Contact
Имя Мистер Gianluca Cera
Электронная почта Email Contact


Gob Forming and Delivery

The molten glass flows from the melting furnace into the thermal conditioning Foreheart. Once the right thermal homogeneity and viscosity are reached, the feeder mechanism cut the string of liquid glass into gobs of the required dimension and weight. The red-hot gobs of glass (1.200° C approximately) vertically drop into the delivery system which distributes them to the various sections of the I.S. Machine.

The layout of the article (namely the definition and dimensioning of the Parison in relation to the shape of the drop and the shape of the final item) represents the basic element to calculate the production parameters necessary to the manufacturing of fine-quality glass containers.

BDF Mechanical and Servo Feeders represent a consolidated technology for the glass forming industry, capable of satisfying the most diverse requirements in terms of production and speed needs. BDF Feeders are designed to work both with small and large gobs, from 144-81 to 513-515 spouts. All parts are standardized.

BDF Servo Feeder is composed of:

  • Servo Plunger Mechanism
  • Servo Parallel-Shear Mechanism
  • Gear Type Revolving Tube Mechanism

Besides working as a standard high-speed feeder, it allows also to produce gobs of different weight within the same production cycle.

Durability and high-speed, low operating and maintenance costs and easy approach for operators are the most important features of the BDF Feeder Systems.

Container Forming

The I.S. Machine derives its name from the English “Individual Section”, which indicates that it is composed of independent sections, each one capable of performing the entire production cycle.

The independent sections allow to intervene in the machine with adjustments, repair and mould changes, avoiding to stop the entire line.

BDF’s offer include 2, 6, 8, 10 and 12 sections I.S. machines. In addition to this it is also possible to combine two machines and work in tandem to enhance the production. The number of working sections can be freely varied depending on the production needs or the furnace capacity.

A complete range of mechanisms and auxiliary equipment has been developed for each type of machine (single, double, triple or quadruple gob, Blow and Blow, Press and Blow or Narrow Neck Press and Blow, Blank Vacuum process), as well as special equipment for the various production processes.

BDF I.S. Machines are designed to be highly functional not only at the mechanical components level (gob delivery, servo and pneumatic mechanisms, moulds cooling, easy mounting variable equipments, special process apparatus, ware handling), but also for what concerns the electronic control system (Integrated or stand-alone)

Main Features:

  • Exact repeatability of movements
  • Improvement of production process
  • Increased productivity
  • Reduction of defects on the finished container
  • Reduction of environmental pollution
  • Energy Savings




Panorama 4.0

The present days are deeply focused on green challenges, which is crucial and widely accepted, given the impending 2035 and 2050


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A solution followed for the last 6 years with thousands of R&D hours dedicated to


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BDF – Defining Versatility of IS-Machines

Visit our booth in Hall 13 F62 to see innovation, technology and versatility that make the BDF IS Machines the ideal solutions for high productivity, low maintenance effort and considerable energy


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IWS Close Loop automatic adjustement of tube height and plunger (s)


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BDF latest installation - Video

We are happy to share with you one of our latest installations in West Europe, we are talking about the tallest IS Machine in the World! A 12 Sections Machine SG/DG 6’’¼,


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  Тип файла Размер файла    
MP4 1969926 BDF latest installation - Video
Tallest IS Machine in the World! - BDF 12 Sections Machine SG/DG 6’’
Presentation PLUNGER MECHANISM IWS (IWS Close Loop automatic adjustement of tube height and plunger (s) height)
PDF 4710062 Defining Versatility
Innovation, technology and versatility make the BDF IS Machines the ideal solutions for high productivity, low maintenance effort and considerable energy saving.

Info Grid


Компания BDF Industries S.p.A. предлагает свои продукты и услуги в области Equipment for IS machines, Optical Inspection Equipment, Production Machines, Spray System, Turnkey / ready to use

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The experts in glass technology

The eXperts in glass technology