Encirc welcomes Prime Minister, Chancellor and Energy Secretary’s investment in green energy

Encirc, the UK’s leading container glass manufacturer, today hosted the Prime Minister, Chancellor and Energy Secretary for a major announcement on investment in green energy. 

The government announced major funding for two carbon capture sites which will inject growth into the industrial heartlands of England. The plans have been welcomed by Encirc as it continues to lead the way on decarbonisation.  

Encirc is a market leader in the UK glass manufacturing and bottle filling sectors. It is a key player globally, producing over 3 billion glass containers every year and catering to some of the world’s most prominent drinks brands. 

The company is part of the Spanish based glass manufacturer, the Vidrala Group. 

Managing Director Sean Murphy welcomed the announcement, saying;    “Encirc was delighted to have played host to the Prime Minister, Chancellor and Energy Secretary at our facility in Chester today. 

“The government’s announcement is a huge step forward for sustainable manufacturers like ourselves, and will help support the journey towards the production of billions of low carbon glass bottles and jars for global food and drinks brands across the UK.  

“As a business with sustainability at its core, Encirc has been a longtime innovator in finding ways to reduce our carbon footprint, both on the manufacturing process as well as in logistics and supply chain.    “The regional focus is a sign of confidence for businesses here in the north west, and we hope further afield, including places like Fermanagh which are often left behind.    “We look forward to working with UK Government on a range of issues to ensure that the right conditions are in place to enable the sort of inclusive green growth that benefits everyone across society.” 

CEO of the Vidrala Group Raul Gomez said:  

“We are living in challenging times for consumer related industries. Today, more than ever, we need investments and protection, and that’s why we are honoured to host the Prime Minister and to welcome the support in this announcement.”  

He added:  

“Glass is infinitely recyclable and the healthiest packaging material of choice. Encirc’s unique 360 service proposal separates us from other manufactures and delivers food and beverage products in the most sustainable way.  

“That’s why the Vidrala Group remains firmly committed to our UK business. We have an ambitious industrial plan that includes employment, investment and improvements in sustainability to help our customers deploy their brands in a competitive way, through UK made products, for the benefit of the British consumer.” 

07.10.2024, Encirc

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