PCT Global Unveils Revolutionary Horizontal X-Line Machine for Seamless Tempering Integration

PCT Global, the global leader in coating solutions designed to enhance the performance of glass, is thrilled to announce the launch of its latest innovation in the X-Line machinery range—the new horizontal X-Line coating machine. Known for industry leading easy-to-clean glass treatments offered by our flagship brand, EnduroShield, PCT Global continues to push boundaries with cutting-edge glass coating equipment.

PCT's award-winning X-Line machines, now available in both vertical and horizontal orientations, provide single and double-sided coating options. With the addition of the new horizontal orientation, it allows for the continuous online coating of glass when installed at the end of a tempering line, without the need for double handling. 

Alternatively, it can be operated as a stand-alone unit, with varying widths available.

Key Features of the Horizontal X-Line Machine:

"This new model represents a significant addition to our machinery offerings,” said Adrian Ray, Director - Global Sales & Marketing at PCT Global. “It allows glass fabricators to efficiently produce high-quality, easy-to-clean glass products while meeting delivery timelines and increasing profits. Our commitment to innovation and quality with no exclusive territory agreements ensures that our customers always have access to the best technology available."

About PCT Global

PCT Global specializes in providing a range of coating and application solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of our customers. Our flagship brand, EnduroShield, is globally recognized for its revolutionary easy-to-clean treatments that enhance the performance of glass. 

For more information about the new horizontal X-Line machine or to schedule a demo, please visit our website or contact salesusa@enduroshield.com.

19.09.2024, PCT Global

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