Annual General Meeting 2024 of Meyer Burger approves all motions

At the Annual General Meeting of Meyer Burger Technology AG held at the Culture and Convention Center in Thun, 9‘812‘697‘834 registered shares were represented, equivalent to approx. 41.33 percent of the share capital entered in the Commercial Register. The shareholders approved all motions of the Board of Directors. They approved the management report, annual financial statements and consolidated financial statements for the 2023 financial year, as well as the report on non-financial matters (consultative vote) and the compensation report. The Annual General Meeting approved the appropriation of the balance sheet result and granted discharge to the members of the Board of Directors and the Management Board for the 2023 financial year.

All current members of the Board of Directors were re-elected: They are Franz Richter, Andreas Herzog and Mark Kerekes. Franz Richter was re-elected as Chairman of the Board of Directors and re-elected as member of the Nomination and Compensation Committee together with Andreas Herzog. The auditors and the independent proxy were re-elected for a further term of office.

The Annual General Meeting approved the 750:1 reverse stock split. The reduction in the number of shares by a factor of 750, together with a corresponding increase in the par value of each share by a factor of 750, from the current CHF 0.01 to CHF 7.50, is intended to make the Company's shares more attractive to a broader group of investors, as the current market price of the shares may affect the shares’ acceptability to certain institutional investors, professional investors and other members of the investing public.

28.06.2024, Meyer Burger

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