Swisspacer: Elmar Rastner is Head of Key Account Management for Europe

On 1 June 2024, Elmar Rastner took over the newly created position of Head of Key Account Management for Europe at Swisspacer. In future, he will be responsible for the strategic development of solid customer support in Europe. This new network function underlines Swisspacer's ongoing commitment to expanding its market presence and strengthening relationships with key business customers.

The European glass and window industry is facing challenges such as rising material costs, but at the same time also opportunities due to the increasing demand for energy-efficient, sustainable, and aesthetically pleasing products. Swisspacer is responding to this dynamic with a new strategic appointment that emphasises its commitment to innovation and customer centricity.

With over two decades of experience in the glass, window and door industry in Europe and North America, including nine at Swisspacer, Elmar Rastner is now taking on the new position at the Swiss premium manufacturer of warm edge spacer bars. "I am very much looking forward to further driving the growth of Swisspacer and our network in Europe. My role opens up an exciting opportunity to forge and deepen new customer relationships and further expand our market share with solutions tailored to specific customer requirements. I want to develop tangible added value together with our customers," explains the native South Tyrolean.

"Elmar Rastner's extensive industry knowledge of the glass and window industry, his focus on customer excellence and his strategic, hands-on approach are crucial to optimising our performance and service offerings to meet the needs of our customers," adds Sarah Sattler, Sales & Marketing Director at Swisspacer. "The creation of this position demonstrates our strong commitment to the European market and our customers."

09.06.2024, Swisspacer

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