Glass Frits and Glass Paints: Akcoats Pioneering Innovations

The Akcoat R&D Center: A Hub of Innovation and Precision Testing

Central to Akcoat's success is its dedicated R&D Center, a facility equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and a pilot production facility. This infrastructure supports a team of highly proficient R&D experts who drive the company's commitment to innovative solutions.

The center is also a testament to Akcoat's rigorous testing methodologies, encompassing physical, mechanical, chemical, and instrumental tests. These methodologies ensure that Akcoat's products not only meet but often exceed industry standards.

Comprehensive Testing Methodologies

Physical Tests:

Color: Ensures consistent and vibrant color profiles across products.

Gloss: Measures the reflective properties, ensuring optimal aesthetic appeal.

Opacity: Assesses the degree to which a material obscures light.

Density: Determines the mass per unit volume, crucial for product consistency.

Viscosity: Measures the material's resistance to flow, vital for application purposes.

Mechanical Tests:

Ball Test: Evaluates the impact resistance of the coating.

Thermal Shock: Assesses the material's resistance to sudden temperature changes.

Fragmentation: Determines the material's resistance to breaking under stress.

Abrasion Test: Measures the material's resistance to wear and tear.

Stretch Test: Evaluates the material's flexibility and elongation properties.

Refractory Corrosion Test: Assesses the material's resistance to corrosive environments.

Chemical Tests:

Citric Acid Exposure: Determines the material's reaction to citric acid.

Acetic Acid Exposure: Assesses the material's response to acetic acid.

Solvent Resistance: Measures the material's resistance to various solvents.

Food Contact: Ensures the material's safety for food-related applications.

Instrumental Tests:

Lithium Analysis: Detects and quantifies lithium content in the material.

Surface Imaging: Provides detailed images of the material's surface characteristics.

Heat Chart: Maps the material's thermal properties across different temperatures.

Thermal Expansion: Measures the material's dimensional change in response to temperature.

Thermogravimetric Analysis: Assesses the material's thermal stability.

Grain Distribution: Analyzes the distribution of grains within the material.

Crystallography: Studies the crystal structure of the material.

Elemental Analysis: Identifies and quantifies the elemental composition of the material.


Akcoat's commitment to excellence in glass frits and glass paints is underpinned by its rigorous testing methodologies. With its state-of-the-art R&D Center and comprehensive testing protocols, Akcoat continues to set industry benchmarks, ensuring that its products consistently deliver unmatched quality and performance.

06.02.2024, Akcoat

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