Sparklike Service Closer to You - New Calibration Centers Coming!

In the beginning of the history of Sparklike, calibrations were only done in Finland where our HQ locates. Quite fast Sparklike recognized that our devices are sold all over the world, which made us to rethink our service strategy. We wanted to shorten service lead times and of course, be responsible from sustainability point of view by shortening the transportation distance.    

Likeminded distributors – Customer service is the core

We started to search potential distributors that are also able and willing to take Sparklike Handheld calibration service to their portfolio. In the beginning we investigated North America and Asia, as they have the longest distance to Finland. With many phases, currently we have had several years Sparklike Authorized Calibration and Service Centers in South Korea (AT Spacer) and in US (GED Integrated Solutions) that performs calibrations to Sparklike Handhelds. The outcome after these years is a success and the feedback from customers is excellent as the service has eased their operations.     

Shorter service lead time and localized solutions  

Based on the experiences in United States and South Korea, Sparklike Service Center has been recognized as a good concept and we are searching for partners who sees the value to provide calibrations to our products and are willing to commit in the Sparklike service business. This has already taken well in the market, and we are thrilled to announce new calibration centers in 2024.

For device owners this means, that Sparklike Authorized Calibration and Service Centers for Sparklike Handheld™ which are near customers will lower the service lead time and customers might have the service in their own language. Additionally, it also reduces carbon footprint as the transportation distance reduces.    


29.01.2024, Sparklike

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Если содержание или оформление этих станиц нарушает права третьих лиц или положения закона, тогда мы просим о соответствующем уведомлении без необходимых издержек. Я ручаюсь, что по праву вызванное недовольство место в тексте будет незамедлительно удалено, не требуя подключения поверенного лица с Вашей стороны. Однако вызванные Вами расходы без преждевременного установления конакта будут нами в полной мере отклонены и при необходимости мы подадим встречную жалобу касательно нарушения вышеназванных положений.