Guardian Glass introduces Guardian Nexa, a lower-carbon float glass, to Europe

The combination of Guardian Glass’ SunGuard High Durable coated glass with SentryGlas Xtra interlayers obtains a Document Technique d’Application (DTA) for the French market.

Guardian Glass and Kuraray have partnered to obtain a Document Technique d’Application (DTA) for the compatibility of Guardian SunGuard High Durable (HD) coatings (coating against interlayer) and SentryGlas Xtra interlayer material. This combination offers architects and facade consultants a new opportunity to design a building envelope with high strength and energy performance.

Laminated Guardian SunGuard HD glass with SentryGlas Xtra interlayer is particularly suitable for monolithic applications such as the outer envelope of double skin facades, canopies or atriums, as well as applications that require high resistance to mechanical and/or wind loads. The DTA validates all glass compositions where SentryGlas Xtra is in direct contact with Guardian SunGuard HD coatings. 

Combination of benefits

SentryGlas Xtra is part of SentryGlas ionoplast interlayers which are five times more tear resistant and up to 100 times stiffer than conventional PVB interlayers. Aside from its strength, SentryGlas is much less susceptible to moisture exposure. Due to the structural properties of the interlayer, the use of SentryGlas can also reduce overall glazing thickness, typically, by up to 30%. In addition, this reduction in glazing thickness can result in lowering the embodied carbon by approximately 27 per cent.

See also: New float now operational in Luxembourg

Guardian SunGuard HD coatings are made from highly resistant materials, which make them particularly suitable for monolithic applications. Guardian SunGuard HD solar control glass offers various aesthetics and external reflectivity, as well as different levels of light transmission and solar factor.

Environmental stewardship and product certification

Both SentryGlas and SunGuard HD products have Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) available. FDES (Fiches de Déclaration Environmental et Sanitaire - Environmental and Health Declaration Sheets) are available for the Guardian coated glass. SunGuard HD products are bronze level v3.1 Cradle to Cradle certified, as are all Guardian float glass, laminated glass and coated glass products manufactured in Europe.

26.01.2024, Guardian Glass

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