SGD Pharma announces the appointment of Fabio Invernizzi, General Manager West Business Unit

Paris La Défense, FRANCE: SGD Pharma, global primary glass packaging leader, has announced the appointment of Fabio Invernizzi as its new General Manager of its West BU. The BU West includes SGD Pharma’s commercial activities for MEA, North and South America and our manufacturing footprint in Europe. Fabio joins the Group Executive Committee bringing over 15 years of experience in Commercial, Marketing and Business Development at a senior level for the life science industry. He joins SGD Pharma following his last position as Vice-President and EMEA BU Head of Capsules and Health Ingredients at Lonza. Prior to that role, Fabio led the Global Commercial & Business Development activities for the Capsules & Heath Ingredients Division at Lonza. 

Commenting on his appointment, Fabio said: “In starting this next chapter, I am excited to join the experienced SGD Pharma team working alongside CEO Olivier Rousseau and the Executive Committee. I am eager to continue writing the success story of SGD Pharma with my team and colleagues - I believe we can bring the company to the next level of leadership in Europe in the Primary Pharmaceutical Packaging market. Together with the strong team in place, I also look forward to continuing to grow in the Americas.”

Fabio picks up the baton of West BU General Manager from Laurent Zuber, who will retire in January 2024 after a long lasting and successful career at Saint-Gobain and SGD Pharma. SGD Pharma would like to thank Laurent Zuber who led the commercial activities of the group and the General Management of the West BU with passion and dedication. The company also shares its deep gratitude to Laurent for building the customer relationships it has today and for expanding its product portfolio in molded and tubular. 

For more information about SGD Pharma please visit: 


Marketing & Communication SGD Pharma  

Jean-Pascal Marquié –    

17.01.2024, SGD Pharma

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