Hello, this is Zignago Vetro: a new identity, the same spirit as ever.

After a tireless effort lasting several months, during which numerous professional consultants have applied themselves with enthusiasm and commitment, a completely new brand identity is now taking shape that succeeds in embracing both the company’s past and its ambitions for the future.

This process of renewal began with a phrase that has also become our vision and mission: to give concrete form to our ideas, and substance to our creativity, while always focusing on sustainability and innovation. This declaration has, in our major work on rebranding, translated itself into substantial modifications that have had an influence on our graphics, but also on the area of communication as a whole.
Giving form to a new image
Technology, future and nature: these are the keystones around which our new graphical identity has been developed; three elements that have been skillfully combined in a harmonious form, capable of conveying the transparency of glass (symbolizing technology and the future) and the natural beauty of water.
Elements that have been combined to represent Zignago Vetro’s constant quest for sustainable balance.
Our choices for renewal also concern Zignago Vetro’s logo and the adoption of a new typeface alongside the current one: this is Acumin, which stands out thanks to its readability, rationality, and contemporary style.
Closer to you who choose us
The changes we are bringing about will also involve our communication through Zignago Vetro’s social media and our relationships with those who choose to work together with the company. 
The various choices we have made in this regard may be summarized very briefly: less formality, more humanity. Because, ultimately, Zignago Vetro communicates with large businesses and associations, but behind these bodies there is only ever one thing: people.
It is with them that Zignago Vetro has always communicated, and it will continue to do so in the best way possible.
An unchanged nucleus
We are renewing our image, but the essence of Zignago Vetro will never change. Values such as sustainability, innovation, efficiency and creativity are – and will remain – our points of reference: real “polestars” that will never cease to guide the entire company. 

16.01.2024, Zignago Vetro

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