Pellucere Technologies Inc. Houston TX, USA acquires ETC products GmbH Deggendorf, Germany

Pellucere is excited to announce that they have successfully completed the acquisition of ETC products GmbH, marking a significant milestone in our journey towards growth and expansion.

"ETC products GmbH has built a reputation for functional coatings for glass, ceramics & enamel and we are excited about the prospect of joining forces to leverage our combined strengths and expertise. This acquisition aligns seamlessly with our strategic vision and represents a key step in our commitment to our growth as a leading manufacturer of optical coatings and proprietary application systems that serve a wide range of energy and industrial needs on a worldwide base. We are confident that this integration will bring forth enhanced capabilities, expanded resources, and a broader range of services/products for our valued worldwide customers.

As we move forward, our immediate focus will be on ensuring a smooth integration process that prioritizes maintaining the high quality of service our customers have come to expect. We are dedicated to preserving the values and culture that both Pellucere Technologies Inc. and ETC products GmbH hold dear.

Over the coming weeks and months, we will work diligently to integrate our teams and resources, aiming to maximize the benefits for all stakeholders involved. We extend a warm welcome to our new colleagues from ETC products GmbH and look forward to collaborating closely as we embark on this exciting journey together.

Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to Klaus-Peter Fuss "

14.12.2023, Pellucere Technologies Inc.

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