CANPACK Group and BA Glass Agree on the Transfer of CANPACK Polish Glass Business

CANPACK Group and BA Glass announce that on November 28th they have entered a definitive agreement whereby CANPACK Group will transfer its CP Glass operations in Poland to BA Glass. Consequently, the CP Glass plant located in Orzesze will be incorporated into the existing glass operations of BA Glass in Poland where BA operates two plants located in Sierakow and Jedlice. The parties are committed to ensure a smooth transition of the CP Glass operations and employees into the BA Glass organization in Poland.

This agreement, which is pending customary merger control approval from the Polish competition authority and other customary closing formalities, is anticipated to be completed during the first half of 2024.

Marius Croitoru, CANPACK Group CEO stated: “CP Glass is a strong niche manufacturer of glass bottles for beverages, and we are confident that our CP Glass operations and team will find a new home with BA Glass, one of the world leaders in the manufacture of glass packaging. With this sale, CANPACK Group will continue to focus its resources on its core businesses.”

Sandra Santos BA Glass CEO remarked that “BA is delighted with the opportunity to increase its industrial footprint in Poland. We are strongly committed with the Polish market since our entry in 2012 and this transaction is the proof of it.”

BA Glass is the fourth largest glass packaging producer in the world, having more than 5,000 employees worldwide. It operates 14 plants in Portugal (3), Spain (2), Germany (1), Poland (2), Bulgaria (2), Romania (1), Greece (1) and Mexico (2) where it recently acquired the local producer Vidrio Formas.

CP Glass is a member of CANPACK Group, part of Giorgi Global Holdings, Inc,. CANPACK Group is a global manufacturer of aluminum beverage cans and packaging solutions for the food and beverage industries, as well as glass bottles and metal closures. Headquartered in Krakow (Poland), CANPACK Group employs approximately 9,000 people worldwide and has operations in 16 countries.

29.11.2023, BA Glass

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