CEO on tour: Meyer Burger launches a series of video portraits to highlight opportunities in the European solar industry

In a multi-part series of video portraits, Meyer Burger Technology AG looks at the current situation of the solar industry in Europe. In it, CEO Gunter Erfurt visits companies along the solar value chain and talks to those responsible about the future of the energy transition “Made in Europe”. The conversations, including with Martin Zugg, Managing Director of Interfloat Corporation, Jan Brunner, Chief Sales Officer of Krannich Solar GmbH & Co.KG, and Helmut Ruhl, Group CEO of AMAG AG, can now be viewed weekly and in several parts on Meyer Burger's YouTube channel.

“With this series, we want to show how multifaceted the solar industry is in Europe and how much potential it has,” says Gunter Erfurt. “Not only have thousands of new jobs been created here, but there are also new entrepreneurial approaches on the table. Europe as a manufacturing location is indispensable overall as an innovation driver and technology leader worldwide.” Interesting insights have emerged during his visits, providing a view of the economic and industrial contexts of the industry in Europe. From the production of solar glass to the trade for the assembly of modules to commercial and private end customers, key players in the European solar industry are presented.

The talks always focus on questions about opportunities that the energy transition offers for companies, about innovative technologies and the people in the region who are shaping and implementing them. Last, but not least, it is also about the necessary industrial policy measures that are now on the agenda in the parliaments in Germany and Europe.

The first interview with Martin Zugg, CEO of the solar glass manufacturer Interfloat Corporation, is available on Meyer Burger’s YouTube channel as of today, November 3, 2023.

07.11.2023, Meyer Burger

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