Advancing sustainability: Verallia´s collaboration with Glass Futures

Verallia, the European leader and the world’s third largest producer of glass packaging for beverages and food products, has taken a new significant step to create innovative, eco-friendly solutions that enhance the lives of its global consumers: by becoming a member of the not-for-profit organisation, Verallia will benefit from the connection of Glass Futures to the global glass industry and academia in order to deliver R&D and innovation.



Verallia’s aim is to transform the glass industry by making glass synonymous with sustainable packaging. This vision aligns with Glass Futures’ values, uniting their commitment to a circular economy and a thriving planet.

Corinne Payen, R&D Director at Verallia Group says: “Our goals are ambitious, and to achieve them, we must introduce breakthrough innovations. The Glass Futures facilities offer an unparalleled opportunity to test a spectrum of solutions, mitigating risks during the initial industrialisation phase.”

Richard Katz, CEO of Glass Futures, adds his perspective stating, “Our collaboration with Verallia reshapes the glass packaging landscape. Aligned in commitment, we will cultivate innovative solutions that lead to a more eco-friendly future.”

Verallia’s union with Glass Futures marks a pivotal milestone in their pursuit of sustainable excellence, innovation, and industry-wide transformation. With this collaboration Verallia will integrate a worldwide glass eco-system, that epitomises its dedication to a sustainable future, a commitment shared by Glass Futures and the global industry. In parallel, Verallia will join its expertise at the service of the association.

This collaboration sets a remarkable precedent, illustrating the power of visionary partnerships in propelling industries towards a brighter, more sustainable tomorrow.

Verallia’s aim is to transform the glass industry by making glass synonymous with sustainable packaging. This vision aligns with Glass Futures’ values, uniting their commitment to a circular economy and a thriving planet.

01.11.2023, Verallia

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