Advanced Energy Unveils New Website Engineered to Power Customer Innovation

 Advanced Energy Industries, Inc. (Nasdaq: AEIS) – a global leader in highly engineered, precision power conversion, measurement and control solutions – has unveiled a new website that puts design solutions and products at engineers’ fingertips. Built from the ground up to deliver the best possible user experience, the site at ensures instant access to the key information needed to accelerate the development of systems built with advanced power, sensing and control solutions.

The new site is ideal for users looking for comprehensive product data and information and resources to quickly develop full system solutions. Intuitive navigation guides visitors to a host of rich, design-oriented content ranging from technical product specifications and application notes to development tools and stocking information.

“Our mission is to enable customer innovation by delivering highly engineered, application-critical, precision power solutions,” said Rajiv Kommineni, vice president of digital experience and commerce at Advanced Energy. “By providing a one-stop shop of leading power and measurement products, the new website advances our position as a strategic partner that helps solve our customers’ design challenges.”

Smart search with keyword and parametric enables engineers to quickly and easily find the right products for their specific application needs by filtering detailed parameters, while intuitive and application-centric navigation guides them to the specific information they need with the least number of clicks. Visitors are also able to create a customized user journey that includes a personalized dashboard. Products from Advanced Energy’s Artesyn® product line are fully incorporated into the website for the first time.

“Whether it’s our product portfolio, our first-rate customer service or our website, our focus is always on innovating to meet the needs of engineers,” says Kommineni. “The new site delivers a seamless digital experience both on desktop and mobile and will be the platform for future online developments that showcase an even wider range of technologies and application expertise, integrating AE’s ever expanding portfolio of products while making engineer’s lives easier by simplifying and accelerating design.”

04.09.2023, Advanced Energy

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