Schüco acquires 100,000 square metres at a business park Germany

Schüco is expanding its range of services and acquiring 100,000 square metres of space at Gewerbepark Flugplatz Gütersloh GmbH. On the northern part of the site of the former British military airfield, the company intends to develop an additional location in East Westphalia-Lippe for product provision and distribution.

"We are committed to Germany as a location and especially to East Westphalia-Lippe. This is where we want to stay and this is also where we want to invest in order to align ourselves accordingly for the future," emphasises Andreas Engelhardt, personally liable partner of Schüco International KG. The Schüco Campus in Bielefeld, which has been extensively renovated, modernised and expanded in recent years, will remain the main headquarters of the building envelope specialist.

In terms of space, however, the Bielefeld site does not offer any major growth opportunities, particularly in the commercial sector, so Schüco has now acquired land in the Gütersloh commercial and industrial estate for further corporate growth.

This is also welcomed by Albrecht Pförtner, Managing Director of Gewerbepark Flugplatz Gütersloh GmbH: "We are delighted that with Schüco we have been able to attract a well-known company from the region to our inter-municipal commercial and industrial estate. This creates new jobs and makes East Westphalia-Lippe an even more attractive location."

Mayor Norbert Morkes, chairman of the supervisory board of Gewerbepark Flugplatz Gütersloh GmbH, agrees: "We are delighted that Schüco is settling on the Harsewinkel part of our intermunicipal business park. This shows once again how important forward-looking, joint supply planning by the municipalities is for businesses."

29.08.2023, Schüco

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