A new float glass plant for Belgium

The Glas Trösch Group plans to build a new float glass plant in Lommel, Belgium. With this, the manufacturer wants to secure the supply of flat glass in the BeNeLux countries. According to the company, demand in the region has risen sharply as glass is needed for the energy modernization of existing buildings.

In Belgium, there is a great need for contemporary energy-optimized insulating glass, as up to 90 percent of buildings in the BeNeLux countries have outdated insulating glazing, according to estimates.
In order to further reduce CO2 emissions, it is therefore essential to replace the outdated windows and insulating glass as soon as possible. Glas Trösch intends to provide suitable basic glass for this purpose with its new plant.

"With our new production facility, we want to help drive this energy transition forward and supply the region with high-quality glass," explains Fabian Zwick, CEO of Glas Trösch.

Details of the new Float

On an area of 35 hectares, Glas Trösch plans to build one of the most modern float glass plants in Europe in Lommel, producing flat glass for the construction and solar industries.

The plant will have the capacity to equip around 300,000 single-family homes per year with modern insulating glass.
The proximity to sand pits, the existing infrastructure and the well-trained local workforce make Lommel an ideal location for the investment, according to company sources.


The float glass plant of the Glas Trösch Group is to set new standards in the field of energy efficiency. Among other things, modern systems for heat recovery, intelligent control of the production process and solar collectors will be used to increase energy efficiency. The plant will also use a high proportion of recycled cullet.

When is float production scheduled to start?

The design team has applied for a permit, which is expected to be issued in the fourth quarter of 2023. Construction is then expected to begin during 2024. Production is targeted to start in 2025. The operation of the float glass plant will create around 300 jobs on site and another 1000 indirect jobs in the region.

08.06.2023, Trösch Group

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