GPD 2023 - Announcing the opening keynote speakers!

The opening ceremony of GPD 2023 will be held on June 14 starting 17:30hrs at Nokia Arena. 

The upcoming conference will address the new challenges shaping our lives and businesses as we grow and we have the pleasure of introducing the following distinguished opening ceremony keynote speakers: 

Bertrand Cazes, Secretary General, Glass for Europe

Alf Rehn, Professor of Innovation, Design & Management at the University of Southern Denmark

Yasmin Al-Ani Spence, Director, WilkinsonEyre Architects

Christoph Timm, Principal, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) Architects

The opening speakers have plenty of wisdom to share, given their diverse range of expertise. Attendees will have the opportunity to network with them, plus other attending experts, during the get-together party that starts immediately after the opening ceremony. The technical sessions that will follow on June 15 & 16, add to the range of learning, which means knowledge growth for the attendees. We believe that this makes it an event not to be missed!

With less than 2 weeks to the event, this is the opportunity for you to book your ticket to avoid last minute rush!

Registration information for the conference is available at

To register go to and follow the provided instructions.
We look forward to receiving your registration and participation in GPD 2023.

02.06.2023, GPD

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