4 great reasons for making insulating glass out of safety glass

Making insulating glass from safety glass is a sensible decision to increase intrusion protection in shop windows or commercial buildings as well as in private homes. Here you will find 4 good reasons for using safety glass in IGUs.

Laminated safety glass (LSG) and tempered or toughened glass are particularly suitable for the use of safety glass in the construction of insulating glass units.

Background: LSG consists of two or more panes of glass joined by film(s), also called interlayers.

Tempered safety glass is a monoglass that is given greater strength than float glass by tempering in a tempering furnace.

Both types of glass are well suited for use in insulating glass and offer a high level of protection against burglary as well as glass breakage.

The 4 key advantages of IGUs made from LSG or tempered glass

01: The first advantage is increased security. Safety glass resists intrusions and ensures that windows and doors cannot be broken into easily.

02: Safety glass made of tempered glass and LSG protects against injuries in case of glass breakage. If toughened safety glass is used, it does not shatter into sharp splinters, but breaks into small, blunt pieces. If LSG is used, the fragments remain bonded to the interlayers.

03: Protection against noise. Safety glass made of LSG with the appropriate interlayers has sound-absorbing properties and thus ensures a quieter and more pleasant environment.

04: The use of toughened safety glass in the construction of an insulating glass unit reduces the risk of thermal glass breakage.

24.05.2023, GW News

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